【超值2017″尾牙” & “忘年會” 】- The Perez Cruz Cabernet Sauvignon 【Reserva Limited 】2014 Offer: – 英國消費者No.1最佳選擇!

【超值2017″尾牙” & “忘年會” 】- 三個重點讓你知道為何 Perez Cruz Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva是物美價廉界中的翹楚- 英國消費者No.1最佳選擇!

✔它是世界上最優秀的卡本內蘇維濃紅酒之一,也是獲得最高評價的酒款之一。絕佳又穩定的品質是它成為 IWC 或是 Decanter 等大型葡萄酒競賽中的獲獎常客的關鍵!

✔它在歐美暢銷熱賣,更被英國知名酒商 Virgin Wines 的消費者投票評選為 No.1 最喜歡的紅酒款。

✔CP值破表&絕不踩雷的超優智利酒之一,Virgin wines累計超過上千位消費者給它 4.3顆星的好評 (滿分5顆星)!

Viña Pérez Cruz 位於智利最精華最著名的Maipo葡萄酒產區的精緻酒莊。Pérez Cruz 算是最早期就將「Maipo」&「Andes」兩者結合在一起的酒莊之一,靠著安地斯山脈的涼爽溫度,不僅經典 的Cabernet Sauvignon 有著相當高水準的不錯表現。,它最基本款就已是 Reserva 等級,品質一向都是水準之上!! 葡萄串(Les Grappes) x 巴黎人報(Le Parisien) 跨界合作的專業葡萄酒網路酒評更將 Perez Cruz與La Casa Lapostolle, Matetic Vineyards, Errazuriz, Santa Rita等知名大廠名列智利五大酒莊之一!

Conocido como Cabernet Sauvignon, tiene su origen en el Sudoeste de Francia. En el Maipo Alto, ofrece un vino de gran frescor.

The Wines of Pérez Cruz Cabernet Sauvignon【Reserva Limited 2014】Offer: 【Robert Parker:91分 & James Suckling:91分】-【WINE GENTRAL GOLD High Recommended 】英國消費者No.1最佳選擇!
95% Cabernet Sauvignon 和 5% Carménère and 2% Syrah 釀製,使用法國和智利橡木桶相互混釀熟成12個月

Pérez Cruz Cabernet Sauvignon【Reserva Limited 2014】Robert Parker Tasting Notes:The 2014 Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva Estate was ready to be bottled, so I tasted a sample of the final blend. Contrary to what happened in other regions, 2014 is a fresher year when they harvested a little earlier as they had more experience with cool years and they let go and forgot their worries about herbal aromas. The palate is sharp and fresh, a wine that drinks so easily that it can even be dangerous.

aged in used French and American oak barrels for one year. 2014 was much cooler than 2012, producing higher yields and the wine is fresher, and dare I say it, more fluid and mineral, very balanced. The palate is very tasty, with some herbal notes and very good acidity, very savory and supple. Very good value and readily available

James Suckling Tasting Notes: The bright currant and plum fruit comes through clearly here. Full body, chewy and silky tannins and a fresh and clean finish. Well done here.

非常深的紫紅;其迷人的香氣帶有深色水果、 香料和些許紫羅蘭花香。口感上顯得相當飽滿而圓潤,帶有豐富的漿果香味,以及些許迷人的香料味,餘味頗為悠長…….very savory and supple. Very good value!



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