Viña Pérez Cruz …一間位於智利Maipo谷地中,近安地斯山腳下的精緻酒莊。

Conocido como Malbec, tiene su origen en el Sudoeste de Francia. En el Maipo Alto, ofrece un vino de gran frescor.

以智利的氣候環境來說,葡萄要達到良好的成熟度並不是一件太困難的事情,不過2007~2009 年的超冷涼氣候,改變了不少酒莊的想法,並發展出現今智利最新的產區概念:海岸區(Costa areas)、山谷區(Entre Cordilleras area)以及安地斯山脈區(Andes area)。

Pérez Cruz 算是最早期就將「Maipo」&「Andes」兩者結合在一起的酒莊之一,靠著安地斯山脈的涼爽溫度,不僅經典 的Cabernet Sauvignon & Syrah都有不錯的表現,更將其它傳統品種,如 Côt (Malbec)、Cabernet Franc、Petit Verdot 都有令人驚喜的表現。


The Pérez Cruz “ Côt “ Reserva Limited “ 2014 Offer: (Malbec) — (90% Malbec 和 Petit Verdot 5.5%、 Carmenère 4.5% 釀製,混合使用法國和智利橡木桶熟成6個月)

Tasting Notes: They refer to their Malbec with the French name, Cot, to make a difference and because they used French plants for their vineyards– so the varietal wine is called 2013 Cot Limited Edition. As with all of their varietal wines, it contains some balancing grapes, in this case . The vinification and upbringing was the standard for the range. I found it very minty and balsamic, aromatic and showy, with those telltale violet aromas and something earthy. The palate is fresh and focused, floral, very elegant with great balance, and very easy to drink but not banal. It was put into 32,000 bottles in September 2014

非常深的紫紅;其迷人的香氣帶有深色水果、 香料和些許紫羅蘭花香。口感上顯得相當飽滿而圓潤,帶有豐富的漿果香味,以及些許迷人的香料味,餘味頗為悠長…….



玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
FAX : 886-2-2552-9290
Mobile Phone:886-920393751
Line ID: Vincent9238

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