( 全新2015年份榮重登場)– The wines of Weingut Balthasa Ress Reisling QBA & Kabinett & Spatlese Offer – 伊莉莎白女王的白金晚宴和長榮航空頭等艙指定用酒!

(萊茵高 Rheingau)- 三串葡萄等級酒廠)- 全新2015年份榮重登場

The wines of Weingut Balthasa Ress Reisling Offer — 萊因河的佳釀 — 被「German Wine Guide」評為三串葡萄的德國頂尖酒廠

One of Germany’s most highly respected wine guides – Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland – has just awarded the Balthasar Ress wine estate in Hattenheim a third grape cluster.

位於萊茵高產區 Balthasa Ress 創立於西元1870年,至今到現在已經有147年釀酒的歷史了,酒莊產業已傳承到第五個世代 Balthasar Ress在西元1989年成為德國最著名的酒莊聯盟VDP 成員之一, 早已在 Rheingau 當地相當具有規模的葡萄酒莊,目前已交由 Stefan 以及Christian Ress 二人共同經營,酒莊的葡萄園位於德國最著名的Rheingau 產區 ,葡萄園座落於萊茵河北岸朝南的山坡之上,自古羅馬時代就被視為種植Riesling葡萄最佳的位置。目前酒莊的葡萄種植面積約45公頃,超過九成以上是萊茵高最富盛名的麗絲玲白酒,另外一成則是黑皮諾紅酒,酒莊的釀酒哲學崇尚天然,獨特的地理環境與氣候賦予 Balthasar Ress 的葡萄酒優雅細緻的品質,變化多端的果香變化以及豐富的內涵。Balthasar Ress 釀造的葡萄酒憑藉優異與穩定的品質而著稱,自創業以來一直被視為當地釀酒業的典範。1990年起。Balthasar Ress的葡萄酒上均印有VDP老鷹標誌,這是全球公認最佳德國葡萄酒的象徵之一,他們釀製的Reisling 白酒曾經三次登上伊莉莎白女王的白金漢宮晚宴,然而 Kabinett 微甜Reisling 更是獲選長榮航空頭等艙指定用酒!

The award acknowledges the estate’s ongoing efforts to achieve the highest quality possible and confirms that with its hard work in recent years, the Ress family and its team are on the right track. “We’ve had a small victory in one stage of our quest to deliver a reliable quantity of top-quality wines,” says estate director Christian Ress, “but there are many stages to go.”

Rheingau 萊茵高產區:

The Wines of Weingut Balthasa Ress Rheingau Riesling Feinherb QBA 2015 Offer: ( QBA – 淡甜)
rheingau-riesling-feinherb-1469529141Tasting Note: Our vineyard holdings are situated throughout the Rheingau from Erbach to Rüdesheim. Some of these vineyards have been owned by our family for several generations. Our Rheingauer Gutsweine are regional cuvées produced from grapes grown in our various sites. As the calling card of our estate, a considerable amount of work and loving care goes into making these wines.


The Wines of Weingut Balthasa Ress Rheingau Hattenheim Schutzenhaus Riesling Kabinett 2015 Offer: ( 麗絲玲K級甜白酒 )

hattenheim-schuetzenhaus-rheingau-riesling-kabinett-1407833861Tasting Note: West of the village, directly above the Pfaffenberg site, Schützenhaus faces south-southwest and rises in altitude from 100 meters/328 feet above sea level (slightly sloping) to about 150 meters/492 feet. The site is relatively long and slopes toward the west, thereby protecting it (in German, “schützen”) from cold easterly winds. The name probably derives from a vineyard hut (“Haus”) that afforded the vineyard “keepers” who watched over the vineyards prior to the harvest a shelter during inclement weather. The vineyard “guards” used blank cartridge pistols to ward off starlings from munching on the tasty sweet grapes. The soils in the meadows closer to the Rhine consist partly of deep loess and loess-loam, and partly of Tertiary marl mixtures. Because they are deep, they are able to store considerable water reserves – especially valuable in dry years to ensure the vines’ water and nutrient supplies, and crucial to producing wines with high extract values.


The Wines of Weingut Balthasa Ress Rheingau Schloss Reichartshausen Riesling Spatlese 2015 Offer: ( 麗絲玲晚摘甜白酒 )

schloss-reichartshausen-rheingau-riesling-spaetlese-1407833838Tasting Note: The appellation of origin Schloss Reichartshausen is solely owned by Balthasar Ress. It belonged to the Cistercian monastery Kloster Eberbach from the early 12th century and until the early 19th century was one of the monastery’s important outlying properties. Today, it is home to the renowned European Business School. In carrying on the great tradition of Kloster Eberbach, Balthasar Ress cultivates only Riesling vines here, which – thanks to the soil structure – yield very racy wines with a pronounced acidity.



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吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
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