西班牙Artadi 家族 ” from the old vineyards of El Sequé” (老藤 El Sequé 葡萄園). 歷史傳說 — 貧窮人仕最佳超值選擇(Value and smart buy- Artadi 名廠之後 )

Powerful balsamic notes, mature fruit, unctuous: a fleshy wine that satisfies the identity of the Monastrell variety from the “old vineyards of El Sequé”. (老藤 El Sequé 葡萄園).

Artadi 位在 Laguardia 一處相當古老的西班牙小鎮上,建於西元1985年,至今也不過才32年光陰,但是今日 Artadi酒莊已正在逐步慢慢地改變著 西班牙 Rioja古老產區的釀酒傳說,都要歸功於Mr. Juan Carlos,他帶領著Artadi酒莊,走向創新,例如採取低產量、在木桶中進行蘋果酸-乳酸發酵和使用法國橡木酒桶。Mr. Juan Carlos 是一個熱情、充滿活力的人,更是隨時想去改變及個革新主義者。他捨棄了Rioja傳統理念,秉持對大自然的尊重,在園內秉持著自然動力農法有機耕作,拒絕肥料與人工化合物質的使用,營造了一種出產絕世佳釀的環境,也為Artadi的酒帶來了獨樹一格新鮮豐沛的果味加上柔順滑嫩的單寧成為Artadi的特色。

Artadi酒 莊以精緻細膩的手法,在這個區域的貧瘠但極適合栽種葡萄的石灰岩、粘土層,以及高反差的大陸性、大西洋氣候交匯之處,釀出了極具平衡感特色的精品酒。主要是Tempranillo 和 Monastrell 為主。古老風土蘊含的豐腴盈美以及葡萄園翻新後的鮮嫩透亮活力在Artadi酒窖中被完整的保存下來。無論是在園內還是酒窖裡,Artadi完全專注於萃取酒質中最深層的複雜性以及撼動人心的平衡感。

Powerful balsamic notes, mature fruit, unctuous: a fleshy wine that satisfies the identity of the Monastrell variety from the old vineyards of El Sequé.

The Artazuri Laderas de El Seque 2008 Offer – 超值及極佳的選擇(Value and smart buy- Artadi 名廠之後 )

Wine Description : Produced from 100 % estate-grown fruit, this wine has a clear Mediterranean influence, with warm and calm nuances of black fruit and soft aromas and tastes of balsamic and aromatic plants. This is a wine with an authentic Mediterranean character.


The Artazuri Laderas de El Seque 2008 Offer – Guía Proensa: 92分 – (老藤 El Sequé 葡萄園).

artadi-laderas 2008Tasting Notes: Produced from 100 % estate-grown fruit, this wine has a clear Mediterranean influence, with warm and calm nuances of black fruit and soft aromas and tastes of balsamic and aromatic plants. This is a wine with an authentic Mediterranean character..

Ageing for 12 months in French oak barrel of 500 litres




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吳嘉興 Vincent WU
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