西方神話天龍的巨獸。巨大的尾巴將夜空眾星一掃而下,甩入蒼涼大地!」,The Wines of Mitolo 【Savitar】Shiraz 2006 Offer – from the old vineyards – 旗艦Shiraz酒款–【James Halliday: 96分】

羅伯‧帕克 Robert Parker 曾說過: 一家1999 年才成立的酒莊而言, Mitolo 酒莊致力於手工精釀出的大匠之風酒款,總是能不斷在品嘗過程中給我天啟般的靈光,實在令我訝異。法蘭克‧米多羅(Frank Mitolo)與他才華洋溢的釀酒師班‧格萊佐 (Ben Glaetzer) 將他們酒的品質昇華到炫爛奪目的境界‧Mitolo日後必將成為新生一代澳洲膜拜酒

南澳知名的 Mitolo米多羅酒莊,在 Wine Advocate 評分中一向有驚人的成績!傲人成績成功背後,必定有個幕後重要推手,這個人是誰?? 就是釀出 Amon-Ra (蒼穹之眼) 的 Ben Glaetzer (班格萊佐),自西元2002年起 Ben Glaetzer開始加入Mitolo釀酒團隊核心,因為 Ben Glaetzer 本來就是澳洲酒界新生代明星,澳洲知名膜拜酒 Amon-Ra (蒼穹之眼)就出自於他手。他釀出的酒一向濃郁而富果香,卻又能精準地的控制力道,甜美不肥膩。可說是相當精巧。

以最好的葡萄、天然方法釀製、最好的橡木桶三大理念打造他們的酒款,連續8年榮獲澳洲知名酒評家James Hallidays評鑑為「澳洲最高等級紅五星酒莊」的驚人紀錄,更被英國酒評家Matthew Jukes選為「年度百大酒莊」,可見其酒質之優異,釀出的的酒具力道與複雜度,釋放如黑胡椒、黑莓果的香氣,高貴強勁且富單寧。

The Wines of Mitolo 【Savitar】Shiraz 2006 Offer – 100% Shiraz from the old vineyards – McLaren Vale Chinese Block 古老葡萄園地塊 Shriaz 老藤

Savitar 是西方神話中貌似天龍的巨獸。酒標上的拉丁文意為「牠巨大的尾巴將夜空中閃爍的眾星一掃而下,狠狠甩入蒼涼大地… 」,米多羅薩維塔藉此寓意,打造一款力道強勁卻不失優雅圓潤如天龍般尊貴的酒款,為Mitolo酒莊的旗艦Shiraz酒款,【Savitar】Shiraz 2006 更是被 James Halliday 評鑑96分!- 【限量配額全部僅24瓶】

Mitolo 【Savitar】Shiraz 2006Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 2006 Shiraz “Savitar” was aged in 100% new oak, predominantly French. Purple-colored, the aromatics are a bit reticent initially, but soon scents of toasty oak, tar, licorice, scorched earth, and blueberry emerge. This leads to a wine which is more structured and less opulent than its peers. It will evolve for a minimum of 8-10 years and drink well through 2040. As a point of reference, the 2002 Savitar (rated 95) was presented. It is considerably more developed aromatically but still has a significant distance to travel prior to reaching its peak.

James Halliday Tasting Notes: A monster! Showing a little reduction from more oak, the fruit weight of this wine is staggering; layers of fruit strip away as you let it hang around on your palate for a seriously long time; the strong core of dark minerality shows just how complex it is. (7/2008)

Savitar 則是來自澳洲最好的McLaren Vale古老的 Chinese Block 葡萄園地塊 。葡萄園地勢將近海拔350公尺,擁有充足日照時間,早晚有來自海洋的涼爽南風吹拂,Shiraz老藤,採低產量,嚴格控制僅在1-2噸之間,產量低而果味富層次,100% 法國全新橡木桶,經過18個月法國橡木桶陳年培養後混釀裝瓶而成, 強勁而均衡,酒色濃密深邃,香氣繽紛,帶有煙燻、香草、胡椒、亞洲香料、椰香、濃縮咖啡、藍莓、巧克力等氣息。渾厚濃郁、有完整的層次性!

Mitolo 【Savitar】Shiraz 2006  –【James Halliday: 96分】&【Robert Parker: 94+分】



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