【謝謝陪伴玖德走過730天的光陰歲月, 玖德是屬於大家!】 • 在此推出 Bass Phillip •【 Estate Pinot Noir 2013 村莊級】感恩價 • 呈獻給大家愛護酒友 • 同時也祝【玖德生日快樂 !】- 「澳洲 Henri Jayer」• 更是被譽為「紐西蘭 的 Musigny」- 來自澳洲傳奇性的一代釀酒宗師 !

今天除了賣酒之外,想跟大家說一些心裡話,就是【謝謝您們大家!】,730天前的今天,在酒友們陪伴鼓勵下,玖德只是一家市場上完全默默無名不成型的小公司,它沒有傲人背景,也沒有財團雄厚資金,只有當時二年前出來【最原始的初心】,由於您們大家當時不嫌棄,陪伴玖德走過了730天的光陰歲月,如今玖德已努力成功拿到11家義大利酒莊進口專業代理和其它酒莊亞洲分銷代理,希望在眾多價格混亂下,走出屬於【玖德之路】,努力著找尋開發出更多的好酒來呈現給大家,這二年期許自己的壓力從未少過,在730天後的今天【謝謝您們創造了玖德, 玖德是屬於大家!】•在此推出Bass Phillip•【 Estate Pinot Noir 2013 村莊級】感恩價格• 呈獻給大家酒友•同時也祝【玖德生日快樂 !】

【澳洲的Henri Jayer】? 更是被譽為【紐西蘭 的 Musigny】? 它就是澳洲 Bass Phillip ,來自澳洲傳奇性的一代釀酒宗師 Phillip Jones

Bass Phillip 酒莊Phillip Jones 先生,被公認是釀製黑皮諾 Pinot Noir 一代宗師,他釀出黑皮諾產量極低,品質極高,極低產量主要歸因在 Phillip Jones 的龜毛執著的態度與精神,他找尋數年才找澳洲的 Gippsland的葡萄園,僅有小小的10公頃的葡萄園,排水性良好的黏土、火山灰與細質砂構成,蘊藏豐沛且複雜的礦物質,常年處於濕冷有風的氣候,天氣條件極似勃根地,Phillip Jones 堅持低產量與自然動力法,充份傳達出優異得天獨厚的土壤風土條件,極似有著勃根地之神 Henri Jayer 的酒質風格。Phillip Jones 認為栽種 Pinot Noi r對釀酒師來說,是種折磨,也是份挑戰;得經過重重考驗,才能釀成美酒。正因她的敏感纖細特質,所以氣候、土壤的差異以至成長、釀造過程的變數,都能反映在釀成的酒上;Pinot Noir,是最能反應風土條件的葡萄。在劉永智老師的《頂級酒莊傳奇3》書中提到,其實他當時進口 Henri Jayer 部份酒款來販賣,他本人表示他自己喝過數個年份 Henri Jayer Richebourg,而 Phillip Jones 相當地謙遜低調風格,極像似一代釀酒宗師的風範!

Phillip Jones 為了解決澳洲土壤肥沃的困擾,採用了高密度栽種與低量收成;他密集地栽植葡萄樹,讓它們爭搶養份,讓葡萄樹面臨生存養份的競爭,只能把根紮得更深更廣,才能存活。在這樣環境,每一株葡萄樹只能結出六到八串果實,加起來的重量還不到半公斤,產量珍貴而稀少。Phillip Jones 篤信釀酒師的工作只是承接上天的恩賜。他認為只要細心照料每一株葡萄樹,大自然就會把美好裝載到果實裡,保留葡萄最原始的元素!

從葡萄成長的諸般細節,到酒液釀製的每個步驟,Phillip Jones儘可能減少人為影響,讓萄葡忠實地呈現出真實與自然的樣貌 !


The Wines of Bass Phillip • 【 Estate Pinot Noir】• 【村莊級】2013 offer – 【Australian Wine Companion】• James Halliday : 96 Points • Outstanding – 年產量:650箱

Bass Phillip • 【 Estate Pinot Noir】• 【村莊級】2013 James Halliday Tasting Notes: .Superb depth of colour with a very deep dark red black core and a dark red hue. Heavily scented aromas of liquorice, black plums and black cherries are followed by some spicy anise with underlying smoked meats and subtle cedar. Boasting enormous richness and concentration this is about as full bodied as Pinot Noir gets. Mouthfilling flavours of black plum, anise and black cherries dominate over a background of dried meats and spice. Velvet smooth tannins with a long aftertaste of black plum, spicy anise, black cherries and dried meats. A rich, ripe powerful Pinot – recommended to those who like their Pinots at the big end of town.
96 points • From James Halliday – Australian Wine Companion

“There’s something of a ‘California’ feel to the Bass Phillip Pinots from 2013. Well that was one of the thoughts that floated through my head, lonely as a cloud. Comes over as a bit stewed in fruit profile, almost to rhubarb, baked plum. Poached strawberry to taste, amaro herbs and sap, light kittenish tannin and tang on tannin on exit. Chocolaty flavours in there too. It’s bold, interesting, finds calmness in its madness.”

Campbell Mattinson, Wine Front

“Very dark; plummy; silky & long with quite a soft finish. High in alcohol and very balanced. Drink now & over the next ten years. Winery Score: 96.”

色澤濃邃深紅迷人,奔放新鮮櫻桃、紅色莓果香伴隨著濃郁的大地、蘑菇、麝香與些許香料和乾燥的藥草氣息,味道持續展開,豐富柔順的單寧與明亮清新的酸度,賦予其絕佳的窖藏潛力。無論層次感、尾韻、質感及張力皆表現出 Estate 等級獨特自我風格。




玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent WU
FAX : 886-2-2552-9290
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Line ID: Vincent9238
E-mail: Vincent@WineVertu.com

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