【越是簡單,就是不簡單,無干預,就越耗費心思 • 低調卻不高調 ! • Very Leroy • Very Fine • Very delicious】• Bass Phillip •【The Backyard 17K 單一葡萄園】2017 offer – 【只僅生產200箱】• 一釋出直接完售 •對於Bass Phillip葡萄收藏家眼中是瑰寶 •【美麗細膩黑皮諾 The Backyard 17K! – Very Leroy盛開的花園】

【溝通是誠意的表現!•低調卻不高調•它就是這麼真!】•I did not drink Bass Phillip but My wife does. I told her to quit for a few times but she said she can’t. Then I would like to prove that it is not that hard to quit and I tried. Finally, I found that it is really hard to quit and I get addicted. ” The wine comes from the “backyard” vineyard at Leongatha South, Gippsland, Victoria. It has very close planting (17,000 vines), low cropping and natural winemaking. We respect the forces of nature, driven by the Moon, the Planets, and the Earth. This wine is unfiltered.” Phillip Jones Bin 17k WOW!好像寫太多!【引用FB其中一個葡萄酒大師 Post Very Leroy, very fine, very aromatic, very delicious.】

越是簡單,就是不簡單,無干預,就越是耗費心思,考驗功力。莊主釀酒師Phillip Jones是個完美主義者,細節控。對種植釀造的每個環節都要求的十分細緻苛刻。採用高密度種植,遠遠低於澳洲的平均產量。所釀出的酒擁有很高的集中度,複雜濃郁,細膩優雅,迷人的香氣和富於多層次的口感,讓人喝過一次便無法忘記。Bass Phillip酒莊Premium Pinot Noir,產量十分稀少,稱得上是澳洲的膜拜級酒款,在澳大利亞的Langton蘭頓分級中,被評為【至尊級 Exceptional 】將其評為澳洲最偉大的黑皮諾作品。

【The Backyard 17K 葡萄園】•單一園名稱 17K,源自超高種植密度: 每公頃17,000顆葡萄樹,且每株平均只產150公克葡萄。超過許多勃跟地單一園。葡萄樹種植密度越高,葡萄樹就會提高競爭力,向下扎根取得足夠水源及營養,因此帶來更多豐富香氣和多層次尾韻。重點是且【只僅生產200箱】,常常一釋出就直接完售,對於Bass Phillip葡萄收藏家眼中是瑰寶。

The Bass Phillip Bin 17K Pinot Noir hails from the ‘backyard’ vines of Phillip Jones’ Gippsland operation. There are 17,000 close planted vines, from which this Pinot draws its name.

With raspberry and red cherry aromatics mingling with herb and savoury aromas, there is also a hint of spice. That red fruit carries on to the palate for a plush, concentrated mouthfeel, and a long, mineral finish.

Tightly structured and complex, this is at once sweet and savoury. The purity of fruit speaks to the Bass Phillip reputation for exemplary Pinot Noir.

三個月前葡萄酒界丟出一枚震撼訊息! -【勃根地名家Domaine Fourrier入主澳洲名莊Bass Phillip】,對於Bass Phillip Jones來講,可說唯英雄能識英雄,所見略同,更加錦上添花! 但對於酒友來說,相信從此有Fourrier入主加持後,若以Fourrier那高不可攀的價格來說,.【南半球的黑皮諾宗師】•這次直接看重點!這也有可能是我們最後一次可以這麼容易親近Bass Phillip迷人親民的價格!! 錯過不再!!•【美麗細膩的黑皮諾 The Backyard 17K! -Very Leroy, very fine, very aromatic, very delicious•Very Leroy 盛開的花園】

原文出處連結: [https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/37gnK8yLdXWjEUJXmh1Oqg](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/37gnK8yLdXWjEUJXmh1Oqg)

The Wines of Bass Phillip •【The Backyard 17K 單一葡萄園】2017 offer – 【Australian Wine Companion】•【James Halliday : 95 Points】&【The Wine Front: 96 Points】•【只僅生產200箱】,一釋出直接完售,對於Bass Phillip葡萄收藏家眼中是瑰寶 •【美麗細膩黑皮諾 The Backyard 17K! – Very Leroy, very fine, very aromatic, very delicious•Very Leroy 盛開的花園】

採自55-60年以上的老藤葡萄樹,只有小小三公頃,只僅生產200箱,法國 Aller 橡木桶陳釀且不過濾即裝瓶鼻息極為迷人,聞有土壤、新鮮玫瑰花瓣以及青苔味。入口,極好的深度,繼而嘗有土壤以及青苔氣息,口感相當飽滿,有果肉可咀嚼感,整體是風味繁複均衡的美釀!1987年酒莊開始實施有機Leongatha低耕種植,2002年開始全面 biodynamic。他說,葡萄園健康與否,很容易看得出來,「就看那些飛來的雀鳥、青蛙、甲蟲,就知道了。」


Bass Phillip •【The Backyard 17K 單一葡萄園】2017 -【Australian Wine Companion】•【James Halliday : 95 Points】&【The Wine Front: 96 Points】•【只僅生產200箱】,一釋出直接完售,對於Bass Phillip葡萄收藏家眼中是瑰寶 •【美麗細膩黑皮諾 The Backyard 17K 單一葡萄園! – Very Leroy, very fine, very aromatic, very delicious•Very Leroy 盛開的花園】


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