【美國膜拜白酒的沉默大師】•【神似勃根地 Corton Charlemagne 高登-查理曼大帝特級園純淨而醇美的風韻】• Kistler Vineyards •【Chardonnay Vines Hill】2015 Offer -【Wine Enthusiast: 98分】•【 Robert Parker: 96分】

神似勃根地 Corton Charlemagne 高登-查理曼大帝特級園純淨而醇美的風韻。」- From by Robert Parker – The Wine Advocate

「如果Kistler Vineyards酒莊能神奇地搬移至布根地金丘(Côte d’Or),它很快便能媲美布根地特級園美酒生產者,獲得輝煌璀璨的非凡聲譽。」- by Robert Parker, The Wine Advocate

If the Kistler Winery could be magically transported to the middle of Burgundy’s Côte d’Or, it would quickly gain a reputation as glorious as any producer of Burgundy grand crus.- Robert Parker

Robert Parker 口中的『世界最偉大酒莊』之一,並且說他『如果生在勃根地,足以名列Grand Cru特級園』!

Neil Beckett 所著『1001款死前必喝的酒』by Kistler Vineyards



Kistler Vineyards 酒莊創立於1978年,以釀造布根地風格夏多內(Chardonnay)與黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)聞名,是一間小而美的家族酒莊。平均年產量大約25,000箱,生產的Chardonnay 和 Pinot Noir 優質酒足以與法國勃根地相提並論,經過將近四十年的努力,形容它為『美國膜拜白酒的沉默大師』。

Steve Kistler和Mark Bixler 為 Kistler 酒莊的兩大靈魂人物

師法經典布根地: 莊主Steve曾於知名酒莊Ridge工作後,引領加州 Chardonnay白酒登上名酒高峰,他的釀酒作法以勃根地為師,整串壓榨,使用野生和人工酵母發酵,過程中讓酵母水解來增加酒體豐厚感與複雜,之後用法國小橡木桶陳年,新桶比約為50%-75%,不過濾不澄清,陳年實力極佳,早期Kistler的口感濃郁集中,成熟豐富的果香,讓它儼然成為加州白酒代言人,近幾年釀酒風格開始轉變為酒體略為細瘦,增添了幾許細膩且高雅!

Kistler Vineyards酒莊擁有85公頃的葡萄園,只種植 Chardonnay 和 Pinot Noir 葡萄,最老的樹齡達40年之久,「採用Kistler Vineyards Old Wente cloneh 威迪克隆夏多內老藤葡萄,展現了勃根地經典風格,散發白蜜桃、白醋栗、忍冬、蘋果花的香氣,擁有中度至飽滿的酒體,神似勃根地 Corton Charlemagne 高登-查理曼大帝特級園純淨而醇美的風韻。」- From by Robert Parker – The Wine Advocate

The Wines of Kistler Vineyards •【Chardonnay Vines Hill】2015 Offer -【Wine Enthusiast: 98分】•【 Robert Parker: 96分】•【原廠限量配額30瓶】

Kistler Vineyards •【Chardonnay Vines Hill】2015Robert Parker Tasting Notes: Strutting seductive notions of fresh ginger, jasmine, marzipan and brioche over a core of lemon meringue pie, pear tart, apricot preserves and baked pineapples, the 2015 Chardonnay Vine Hill Vineyard is a knock-out beauty. Medium to full-bodied, it fills the mouth with opulent stone fruit and spice layers with a wonderfully creamy texture and just enough freshness, finishing very long with a compelling savory quality.

Wine Enthusiast: This wine is grown in old coastal soils and sand, driven greatly by the ground underneath it and its surrounding Laguna Ridge environment. It has density and energy in equal measure, a balance of weighty apple and pear mixed in toasted oak and freshness.

Vine Hill Vineyard 是Sonama Coast 最涼爽的產區,經由海風之幫助,氣候涼爽下反而讓酒質更加細膩,荒瘠的砂地讓其白酒酸度自然、明亮,口感層次豐富,特有的果仁與榛果外衣,搭配石灰岩給予的酸度和礦石骨架,尾韻悠長,近兩年Wine Enthusiast 雜誌給予98超高分,以及 Robert Parker 評鑑 96的高分好評,並給予他『低調雅緻』與『神似勃根地 Corton Charlemagne 高登-查理曼大帝特級園』等絕美形容詞。



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