【 美國 Musigny 木西尼 】• Kistler 最頂級旗艦黑皮諾 • Occidental • 【極限量 Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir 2013】Offer – 【The Sonoma Coast Pinot is the hidden gem in the Occidental range】By Antonio Galloni •【原廠限量配額48瓶】
美國的 Musigny 木西尼• 想必大家一定沒喝過 • Kistler 最頂級旗艦黑皮諾 • Occidental • 【極限量 Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir 2013】
If the Kistler Winery could be magically transported to the middle of Burgundy’s Côte d’Or, it would quickly gain a reputation as glorious as any producer of Burgundy grand crus.- Robert Parker
Robert Parker 口中的『世界最偉大酒莊』之一,並且說他『如果生在勃根地,足以名列 Grand Cru 特級園』!
Neil Beckett 所著『1001款死前必喝的酒』by Kistler Vineyards
【The Sonoma Coast Pinot is the hidden gem in the Occidental range】By Antonio Galloni
Kistler Vineyards 酒莊創立於1978年,以釀造勃根地風格夏多內(Chardonnay)與黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)聞名,是一間小而美的家族酒莊。生產的Chardonnay 和 Pinot Noir 優質酒足以與法國勃根地相提並論,經過將近四十年的努力,形容它為『美國白酒的沉默大師』。Steve Kistler和Mark Bixler 成為Kistler酒莊的兩大靈魂人物
Sonoma 加州最適宜種黑皮諾的產區之一,其中 Sonoma Coast 更是菁英酒莊雲集:菁英酒莊Marcassin、Martinelli、Kistler、Pahlmeyer、Peter Michael都選擇Sonoma種黑皮諾,Sonoma Coast AVA是1987年成立的,West Sonoma Coast位於海岸山脈與太平洋之間,氣候極為涼爽,葡萄晚熟、太平洋就在眼下,長年有霧,單位產量一向少,甚至有雨水困擾。Steve Kistler (Kistler莊主)看上的是無比價值的冷涼氣候,在 2013年8月,Steve Kistler選擇了West Sonoma Coast 的 Freestone – Occidental 產區,只釀製頂級黑皮諾!
Sonoma最好的地塊造就出最頂級的黑皮諾 Parker說: Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir 就像 Musigny的花香、漿果和草莓香。年產量僅僅98箱,簡直是可遇不可求! 完美地詮釋了 Sonoma 索諾瑪產區的經典風格。平易近人、帶有強烈香氣以及鮮明的果味是兩大特色,具有讓人驚豔的優雅精緻以及活力。
Steve Kistler 成立 Kistler 快四十年,在加州葡萄酒市場的地位與白酒風格,釀出的黑皮諾不意外成為大家注意與收藏焦點,Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noi r輕易拿下了各家酒評94以上的高分,事實上,Steve Kistler 早在八十年代就從法國勃根地 Vosne-Romanee 的特級園 Grand Cru 取葡萄來試種,他希望種出是顆粒小而皮厚的黑皮諾,Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir完美地詮釋了索諾瑪產區的經典風格。平易近人、帶有強烈香氣以及鮮明的果味是兩大特色,讓人驚豔的優雅精緻。彷彿像是隱藏在Occidental的酒款中,閃爍著光芒的寶石。
The Wines of Kistler •【Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir】2013 Offer •【原廠限量配額48瓶】
Kistler •【Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir】2013Antonio Galloni Tating Notes: Occidental’s 2013 Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast) is a superb appellation-level wine that approaches the quality found in the vineyard designate bottlings. Sweet, perfumed aromatics and bright, chiseled fruit are two of the signatures in a Pinot endowed with a striking interplay of energy and finesse. The Sonoma Coast Pinot is the hidden gem in the Occidental range. A detour to Steve Kistler’s new Occidental winery and Bodega Headlands vineyard was a welcome break after a full day of tastings. The new, small winemaking facility is now operational, while ambitious vineyard development continues. As always, a maniacal attention to detail underpins everything that happens at Occidental, and Kistler, for that matter. There are now four wines in the Occidental range; a vineyard designate from Occidental Station, two vineyard wines from Bodega Headlands (Cuvée Elizabeth and SWK) and a Sonoma Coast bottling. All of the sites have been chosen for their ability to achieve full ripeness at lower sugar levels, which is one of the basic concepts that underpins Occidental. (AG) (1/2016) By Antonio Galloni
Wine Spectator Tasting Notes: Pure and graceful, elegantly styled, notably rich and layered, with blueberry, raspberry, boysenberry and floral scents, all engaging and easy to drink. Drink now. 98 cases made.
Kistler •【Occidental Coast Sonoma Pinot Noir】2013 – 【Wine Enthusiast: 96分】• 【原廠限量配額48瓶】
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