(時代雜誌報導的加州酒)—Chateau Montelena…

★ 加州 Napa Valley 傳奇葡萄酒莊,1976 年巴黎品酒會白酒冠軍
★ Times 時代雜誌專題報導,開啟加州葡萄酒新頁
★ 2008 年改編為電影「戀戀酒鄉 Bottle Shock」

加州葡萄酒贏得世界愛酒同好的注意,必須要歸功在西元1976年在巴黎市中心舉辦的巴黎品酒會(Judgment of Paris),當時邀請了米其林三星主廚和侍酒師與法國酒莊老闆為主要試酒評審, 針對當時70年代的紅 & 白酒做一 (矇瓶 Blind Tasting)試酒會,最後的結果出人意料之外,分別是 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars 與Chateau Montelena 打敗法國波爾多Bordeaux 與 Burgundy 布根地的紅 & 白酒。 經過《時代雜誌》(Time Magazine)的 George Taber 的專文報導,加州葡萄酒開始在世界葡萄酒舞台展現曙光!

1882年創建、1972年由Barrett家族購入,重新整地種植葡萄與翻修城堡建築的Chateau Montelena,在2008年夏天,Barrett 家族宣布將其賣給法國勃根地知名酒莊 Cos d’Estournel,那帕酒鄉的法籍酒莊再添一位成員;這樣的法國酒輸給美國酒的故事,讓驕傲的法國人無法釋懷,2008 年好萊塢將 Chateau Montelena 參與巴黎品酒會的故事改編成電影 Bottle Shock「戀戀酒鄉」,帶領觀眾回味三十年前這段膾炙人口的往事。
Chateau Montelena 的品質不僅擠身加州一流酒莊之列,三十年來更持續釀出頂尖、具有世界水準的精緻葡萄酒,除了最初大放異彩的Chardonnay 夏多內白酒之外,他們 的 Cabernet Sauvignon 相當地出色!

In 2012, the old Calistoga vines woke up to a beautiful, mild spring that dovetailed into classic ripening weather for Cabernet. Summertime temperatures were pleasantly warm by mid-afternoon, with just a little bit of chill each morning from the fog that sneaks in from northern Knight’s Valley. That marine layer gives the vines a chance to ease into the day and helps preserve the acidity that remains a hallmark of this wine, especially in the dry-farmed vineyards.

The Chateau Montelena Cabernet 2012 Offer: — (Napa Valley )

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 2012 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley is meant for up-front, immediate drinkability, and is primarily designed for restaurants. It reveals Montelena’s damp earthiness and spiciness as well as a dark ruby color, no evidence of oak, and medium-bodied, spicy flavors. Drink it over the next 6-8 years. An iconic offering, their Cabernet Sauvignon Estate has long been one of the staples in my private cellar with vintages going back to the 1970s. It has been one of the longest-lived wines in Napa.

The Chateau Montelena Chardonnay 2013 Offer: — (Napa Valley ) – 白酒

2Robert Parker Tasting Notes: Caramelized citrus, apple skin and a touch of tangerine oil are all present in the medium-bodied, refreshing, basically unoaked or neutral oaked style of Chardonnay that Chateau Montelena’s produced in 2013. This style is meant to show the fruit and acid of the varietal. Drink it over the next 4-5 years.



玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
FAX : 886-2-2552-9290
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Line ID: Vincent9238
E-mail: Vincent@WineVertu.com

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