Passec-Leognan 精英酒莊 — The Château Haut Bailly 2012 Offer —Robert Parker: 96分完美

This wine is set for 50 or more years of longevity. Kudos to Haut-Bailly!

Château Haut Bailly 位於格拉夫(Graves)的雷奧良村(Leognan)內,該村在波爾多城南邊。酒莊的鄰居包括Château Malartic-Lagravière、Château Smith Haut Lafitte 和Château Carbonnieux.1878年Château Haut Bailly的葡萄酒品質達到頂峰。但是隨著病蟲害的侵襲,酒莊也因此沉寂。

Haut-Bailly 百年之前名聲與身價曾與 Chateau Latour、Ausone 等頂級酒莊等平起平坐,期間經歷一段轉型期。1998 年美國銀行家 Wilmers 家族買下Haut-Bailly,委由原莊主的孫女 Veronique Sanders 全權掌管。數年之前 Veronique 訪台時曾帶回一瓶 1961 Haut-Bailly,其後在Parker來訪時開瓶宴請貴賓享用,當時Parker對於1961 Haut Bailly的表現讚不絕口,簡直媲美 1961 Haut-Brion。

進入 2000 年之後,Haut-Bailly 的品質已有著不俗的水準,隨著大多數設備被替換為更加現代、精準的釀酒設備,2004 年是酒莊重大轉捩點,自此年份開始 Haut-Bailly 的表現脫胎換骨,一躍位居 Graves 地區頂尖水準,不僅 05、06 連續兩年得到 Parker 95 分的評分,2008 年的評分更與同村的五大酒莊 Haut-Brion 同樣獲得 Parker 96分,是整個 Passec-Leognan的最高分,然而在2009年一舉拿下100分!! Haut-Bailly 又再次重回昔日的光輝,再度站上 Passec-Leognan 精英酒莊的頂尖位置。

然而在世界上最注重的—2012 年優好年份下, Haut Bailly 2012 被 Robert Parker: 96分之完美,– 70% Cabernet Sauvignon、20%Merlot、10% Cabernet Franc

The Chateau Haut Bailly 2012 Offer: (超級完美的96分)

ABRobert Parker Tasting Notes: The classic 2012 Haut-Bailly is staggeringly great wine, with a stunning bouquet of lead pencil shavings, blueberries, black raspberries and blackcurrants and perhaps a touch of spring flowers, followed by a medium to full-bodied wine with an almost seamless integration of wood, alcohol and tannin. It is rich, concentrated, stunningly supple, pure and a total hedonistic and intellectual turn-on. This wine defines what is meant by intensity of flavor, but it is light on its feet, à la great cuisine. It should be drinkable reasonably young, but age effortlessly for 25-30 years
This wine is set for 50 or more years of longevity. Kudos to Haut-Bailly!


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