The wines of Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape “Vieilles Vignes 2003 (只有四瓶) & Chaupin ” 2005 & 2006 Offer (法國南隆河 Cuvee Vieilles Vignes 老藤的精華和 Chaupin 歷史淬鍊 )


Domaine de la Janasse– 建立於1967年,是一個家庭式運作的酒莊,莊主Christophe Sabon 和他的妹妹和爸爸一同營運。Domaine de la Janasse 是用上自然動力學的種植方法,簡單一點來說就是 “有機”。這個酒莊是其中一個 Robert Parker十分推崇的一個酒莊, Aime Sabon至今仍在酒廠指導一切, 不過主要工作是由他畢業於釀酒科系的兒子Christophe Sabon處理, Christophe於1991年畢業便回家裡從事家族企業, 現在 Christophe 的妹妹在讀完釀酒科系後也回到家裡幫忙, 主要負責訂單以及銷售事務. 產量不算太大!

Chateauneuf-du-Pape紅酒有最重要的精華 “ Chaupin “ 以及老藤V.V.兩的Cuvee, 其中還有一個是由100% 百年的Grenache 老藤釀製,Janasse的格那希多半在大水泥槽中發酵,混搭的希哈或慕維德爾,則是用小木桶培養,非常仔細的作法,也能讓格那希老藤不致受到新桶過分強勢的壓制而失了精采的細節,算是在陰柔中表現出芬芳純淨的另類教皇新堡風格。酒莊在教皇新堡的紅酒有Chaupin以及老藤等名作,其中Chaupin是由100%格那希釀製,葡萄藤最老可上溯至1912年栽植,距今已超過100年的歷史,對隆河有獨到見解的Parker 稱2001年Chaupin像 布根地特級園,就香氣而言或許難以理解,不過至少在口感上可知 Janasse 陰柔優雅的一面。至於V.V.老藤款的葡萄樹,樹齡都在60~100年,每年產量極少,捨粗獷而就芳香,但其中又不稠密,2000年以後的單數年份R.Parker的分數都在98~100之間,故成酒莊代表作,同時成為國際收藏家酒窖必備的一支珍釀!

The Wines of Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape ” Chaupin “2005 Offer — Robert Parker: 96分 & Wine Spectaror: 96分

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: An awesome effort, the 2005 Châteauneuf du Pape Cuvee Chaupin comes from the cooler, northeast corner of the appellation and is 100% Grenache. Spring flowers, licorice, violets, crushed rock and layers of sweet Grenache fruit all flow to a full-bodied, clean, elegant 2005 that has everything in the right place. Drinking brilliantly now, it should continue to dish out loads of pleasure over the coming decade.

Wine spectator Tasting Notes: This gushes with boysenberry reduction, linzer torte and loganberry flavors allied to a rich, creamy mouthfeel. But there’s also plenty of grip, with underlying notes of mocha, mineral, sweet toast and incense that add volume and definition to the lengthy finish. Drink now through 2030.

The Wines of Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape ” Chaupin “2006 Offer — Robert Parker: 96分

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: A step up on the richness scale over the classic cuvee, the 2006 Chateauneuf du Pape Chaupin is as sexy a Grenache as you’ll find in the vintage. Blackberry liqueur, black cherries, olives, crushed flowers and licorice all emerge from this beauty, and it hits the palate with a full-bodied mouthfeel, sweet, resolved tannin and a great finish. This blossoms with time in the glass and will continue drinking beautifully for 4-6 years

The Wines of Domaine de la Janasse Châteauneuf-du-Pape ” Cuvee Vieilles Vignes “2003 Offer — Robert Parker: 97分 & Wine Spectator: 96分

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: A wine I’ve had more than a case of, sometimes with irregular results, the 2003 Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes was drinking about as good as it gets on this occasion. As usual, it’s made in a deeper, richer style than the Chaupin and offers thrilling texture, a smoking mid-palate and nothing but gorgeous Grenache fruit on the finish. Loaded with notions of blackberry liqueur, kirsch, fruit cake and spice, enjoy this knockout effort over the coming 2-4 years or so.

Wine spectator Tasting Notes: Gorgeous raspberry ganache and spice aromas give way to richly layered but silky smooth notes of boysenberry, blackberry, mocha, mineral and tar. Long, pure beam of fruit resonates through the finish. Fantastic purity and finesse for the vintage. Best from 2007 through 2025. 1,200 cases made


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