Desert island wine 孤島酒之一  — 右岸車庫 2004 & 2008 & 2012 精美極低產量小酒莊 – 請務必盡快參考…..

躋身入Saint-Émilion 一級特等B級的行列是官方對 Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse 莊園出品的認可,但Beauséjour Duffau-Lagarosse 登上美酒殿堂更因Parker給1990這個年份頒發了100分的殊榮,Parker更將其稱為他如被困孤島最希望擁有的“desert island wine孤島酒”之一。由Duffau Lagarrosse家族所創建經營,是波爾多右岸聖艾美濃地區烈級酒莊中B級的一級特等酒莊(Premiers Grands Crus) , 隨著後代的聯姻,莊園逐漸成為了Carle 家族名下的產業。1787年,Jacques de Carle將軍將莊園的名稱正式更改為Chateau Beausejour 之後,Ch.Beausejour 成為了Pierre-Paulin Ducarpe先生的產業。1869年,他的兩個孩子分為了兩個部分。其女兒嫁給 Duffau-Lagarosse 後,莊園更名為Chateau Beausejour-Duffau- agarrosse,另一部分則是今日的Chateau Beau-sejour Becot。如今,莊園的擁有者仍然是Duffau-Lagarosse家族,其釀造顧問則是Michel Rolland先生。Duffau Lagrrosse 家族自1847經營管理自今,Ch.Beausejour 成為Saint-Emilion最富有潛力的酒莊!酒莊的土地更是首推一指適合釀造高級葡萄酒的葡萄園。目前酒莊擁有人是Jean Duffau,Winemaker是Jean-Michel Dubos,他們共同的理想是釀製讓世人為之驚豔的偉大酒款

The Château Beauséjour Duffau 2004 Offer, Saint-Émilion , Bordeaux , France

Wine Spectator Tasting Notes: Wonderful blackberry and crushed raspberry aromas follow through to a full-bodied palate, with velvety tannins and a long, caressing finish. Balanced and long, with a lot in reserve. I like it as much as the 2000. Best after 2011. 2,500 cases made.

Robert Parker Tasting note: Performing better out of bottle than it did from cask, this brilliant terroir has produced an elegant, dense ruby-colored, medium-bodied 2004 (2,666 cases年產量) with complex aromatics of raspberries, blueberries, crushed rocks, and spring flowers. Not a powerful, muscular effort, it reveals pure, sweet fruit in its delicate personality. Give it 1-2 years of cellaring and drink it over the following 10-15.

限時優惠促銷 – Special offer: NT$2,300元/瓶 –Only 5 Btls

The Château Beauséjour Duffau 2008 Offer, Saint-Émilion , Bordeaux , France

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The wine exhibits an intense minerality along with a blue/purple fruit character as well as both the terroir’s and vintage’s tell-tale floral notes. More showy and denser than some recent vintages, it possesses sweet tannin, full body, and admirable richness as well as length. It will require 3-4 years of bottle age, and should drink well for two decades.

Wine Spectator Tasting Notes: Dense and fleshy, with coffee, plum, prune, cocoa and black currant notes allied to a grippy frame. The finish is tight but long, with dark fig pushing through. A touch brooding now, but the stuffing is there. Should open up with a touch more cellaring. Best from 2013 through 2018. 2,083 cases made


The Château Beauséjour Duffau 2012 Offer, Saint-Émilion , Bordeaux , France

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 2012 exhibits a black/purple color along with a striking nose of incense, spring flowers, blueberries, blackberries and hints of mulberries and crushed chalk. The sumptuous aromatics are followed by a full-bodied, super-concentrated, rich, layered wine that builds incrementally across the palate, finishing with an explosion of fruit, spice, tannin, glycerin and minerality. While neither as backward nor impenetrable as the 2009 and 2010, the 2012 should be approachable in 4-5 years and keep for 2-3 decades.

Wine Spectator Tasting Notes: Quite ripe, with unctuous plum sauce and warmed fig fruit. A solid graphite spine gives this definition and drive, while smoldering tobacco and anise notes fill in the finish. The gorgeous echo of boysenberry at the very end bodes well for the cellar. Best from 2017 through 2030. 1,375 cases made.


玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
FAX : 886-2-2552-9290
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Line ID: Vincent9238

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