波爾多的Chateau Lynch-Bages 雖然在1855年被評定為五級酒莊,不過酒界皆知,其酒莊地位與價格早已與超級二軍酒莊平起平坐,素有「平民的 Mouton」之稱,五級酒莊,但是品質卻已經躍升至相當高的水準! 除了先天環境與地塊優良,釀造的創新與古老堅持也達到一種令人嚮往的平衡! Château Lynch Bages的葡萄園座落在Pauillac西邊的一塊絕佳地段,90公頃的礫石土壤上種植了75% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot和10% Cabernet Franc,酒莊位於慕同酒堡(Ch.Mouton-Rothschild)和拉斐酒堡(Ch.Lafite-Rothshild)的中間,北鄰拉圖酒堡(Ch.Latour)、彼雄拉蘭酒堡(Ch.Pichon LaLande),南鄰彼雄巴洪酒堡(Ch.Pichon Baron),雖然建築物與設備新穎,然而還是維持傳統的方式釀酒,雖然被列為波爾多第五級酒莊,但是Château Lynch Bages一些老年份的酒在眾多五級酒莊中始終被公認為是充滿優勢的頂尖葡萄酒,這也表明了若是有機會再次評定酒莊將可望晉階升級!
釀造時先破皮,葡萄汁會先經過一道逆滲透濃縮的手續,這讓Chateau Lynch-Bages 酒質濃郁甜美,單寧豐富卻非常柔軟,不需要太多時間陳年就已經非常迷人,喝起來會感覺比較豐潤飽滿,卻同時有很好的陳年實力,入口強勁尾韻絲滑,酒莊陳年時使用50%新橡木桶,添加適量的木質香氣,是華麗卻平易近人的貴族,表現豐盈而結實。Oz Clarke曾評論說:「Chateau Lynch Bages的葡萄酒陳年5年即有著令人印象深刻的酒體,陳年10年將充滿迷人韻味,陳年20年後則成為讓人無法抗拒的優質葡萄酒。」
The Château Lynch Bages 1986 Offer: – Robert Parker: 94分 ( Pauillac 5ème Grand Cru Classè ) – 1855年分類為頂級第五酒莊
1986Robert Parker Tasting Notes : The 1986 is finally emerging from the dormant stage that many of the wines from this vintage (especially the Medocs) have been going through. It is a full-bodied, still backward wine that will appeal to classicists and old line traditionalists given its firm structure and austere tannins. Nevertheless, the color is a healthy deep garnet and the wine exhibits wonderful freshness along with notes of underbrush, damp earth, black currants, cedar and new saddle leather. Well-balanced with good depth, medium to full body, and a tannic (although not excessively so) finish, this may not be the most finesse-styled, elegant Lynch Bages ever produced, but it is an interesting Pauillac that will benefit from another 3-4 years of cellaring. While it may never hit the peaks achieved by great Lynch Bages vintages, it will be one of those rare wines that will last 40+ years.
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