若有一隻酒緊臨 Chateau Petrus 彼德祿堡頂級天王旁邊.只差一條灌溉水溝,又接著天后 Chateau l’Evangile 樂王吉堡.和花堡 Chateau Lafleur 旁, 但重點是價格卻差很多,這樣的酒您接受嗎???就是它…只是很多人不知道罷了..但這家.卻是年年得高分..又是 Pomerol..產量稀少…車庫小酒.

Château Gazin是 Pomerol 地區很有代表性的葡萄酒。酒評家對其有很高的評價,因 Château Gazin 與酒王之王 Château Petrus 為鄰。在西元1969年 Château Gazin 出售12.5 公頃葡萄園給 Pomerol 頂級天! – Château Petrus ,酒體散發出濃郁的酒香,將紅色和黑色葡萄的香味融合在一起,顏色為紫紅色或者石榴紅。李子,巧克力,咖啡,或者甘草的味道,以及杏仁香味,烤麵包,煙草,香草和薄荷的芳香。入口以後,可以品嘗到細膩的丹寧酸的味道,伴隨有濃郁的植物的濃縮和平衡的香味!

The Wines of Château Gazin 2012 ( Pomerol) Offer: – Robert Parker: 95分 ( Pomerol)

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: This is certainly one of the great 2012s from Pomerol. What’s amazing is that it is 100% Merlot. Readers may have forgotten (or never knew) that a chunk of this vineyard was sold to Petrus in the early 1970s, but what remains is still a superb terroir and incredibly well-placed on the plateau of Pomerol, adjacent to Petrus and across the road from Lafleur. This wine tips the scales at 14.5% natural alcohol, which puts it right up there with the 2009 and 2010. This points further to the sensational success Pomerol enjoyed in 2012. It is inky purple in color, with a glorious nose of black fruits, an unctuous texture, and a full-bodied mouthfeel. Sometimes Gazin can show too much new oak in its youth, but that is not an issue with the 2012. This is sensational Pomerol and one of the great wines of this vintage. Give it another 5-8 years of cellaring and drink it over the following two to three decades.



玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
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E-mail: Vincent@WineVertu.com

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