兩大葡萄酒權威雜誌 WA / WS 同時推薦- 隆格多克鬼才釀酒師

隆格多克鬼才釀酒師- 法國新派釀酒師傑夫卡瑞爾 Jeff Carrel 本人未擁有任何酒廠或葡萄園,憑藉高超的釀酒技巧向特定的酒莊購買葡萄自行釀酒,創作出品質頂尖的南法葡萄酒,價格卻相當平易近人。Wine Advocate 雜誌讚美 Jeff Carrel 釀的酒是 ” 隆格多克的深藏不露的寶石 “,當中又以 Les Darons 是傑夫卡瑞爾最出色的作品,連續兩年得到 WA 91-94、WA91-93的高分評價。

Les Darons 在方言中指的是「父親」,向辛苦孕育果實的四十年老藤葡萄樹致敬。使用70% 格納希Grenache、20% 卡利濃 Carignan 和10% 希哈Syrah葡萄釀造,佈滿黑色和藍色莓果、紫羅蘭、胡椒等濃郁香氣,中到重度酒體,優雅而綿延口感是令人印象深刻的純淨,酸度均衡,尾韻悠長。除了可立即開瓶享用外,亦能再陳7-8年之久。最佳適飲期:2016-2024年
◎ Robert Parker 91-93分評價,建議適飲期2016~ 2024年,酒體厚實,優雅而綿延口感是令人印象深刻的純淨,平衡均衡,尾韻悠長香氣口感

◎ Wine Spectator 90分評價,推薦 Smart Buy

The wines of Les Darons Jeff Carrel 2015 ,/ AOP Languedoc France /Offer

【AOP Languedoc 的秘密】

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: What looks like another great vintage here, the 2015 AOP Languedoc les Darons is made from 75% Grenache, 20% Syrah and 5% Carignan; grapes were completely destemmed, and fermented and aged all in concrete tanks. It sees absolutely no oak whatsoever. This medium to full-bodied, plump, rounded, downright sexy 2015 has lots of blueberry, violets, and jammy black cherry aromas and flavors; it has terrific purity of fruit, good acidity and an overriding sense of elegance. If it came from a more prestigious appellation in the southern Rhone, it would go for three times the price. 隆格多克鬼才釀酒師。

70% 格納希Grenache、20% 卡利濃Carignan和10% 希哈Syrah葡萄釀造,佈滿黑色和藍色莓果、紫羅蘭、胡椒等濃郁香氣,中到重度酒體,優雅而綿延口感是令人印象深刻的純淨,酸度均衡,尾韻悠長。除了可立即開瓶享用外,亦能再陳7-8年之久。最佳適飲期:2016-2024年



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