精彩限量2005年 Corton Grand Cru– Burhound:93分 & Stephen Tanzer (T.Z):93分
The Wines of Domaine du comte Senard Clos du Roi 2005 ,Offer — 令人垂涎的 Corton紅酒
這是一個Corton地區老牌的古老小酒莊,他在Aloxe-corton有好幾塊地,還包括四塊特級葡萄園,我們介紹的就是他自己獨有的一塊地,Clos du Roi.還有它的最特別的四個Grand Cru 葡萄園
這個酒莊有名在於它是第一個使用布根地著名的釀酒師Guy Accad低溫浸泡法來釀酒的酒廠,使用這種方法據說會讓酒色更加的深沉,更加有果味,更早就易飲,而且他們盡量使用自然農法來釀造葡萄酒,不使用太多的新桶,現在莊主的祖父在1857年就開闢了這塊地做為葡萄園,現在這個莊園仍保留他古老的酒窖與設施,所以這塊地的葡萄數也都是有相當的年齡,80%的數種植於1945年,至今均皆已經超過60年…….
The village of Aloxe-Corton, situated three kms. to the north of Beaune (Burgundy, France) is full of history. The vineyards started in the second century BC. The properties were initially given the name of Curtis, with Aloxe Corton taking pride in the title of Corton Othonis, contracted to Courthon and it is now known as Corton.
Aloxe-Corton is renowned for its production of red wines, 100% pinot noir, among the richest in tannin in the wine-growing sector of Burgundy. Their structure, which is robust, makes for very powerful wines which develop their delicacy after several years of growing.
在vintage雜誌上看到饒永鑫介紹他心目中的布根地十大酒王,其中列出了十支他認為最棒的布根地葡萄酒,給予三顆星的評價,多半都是一些布根地Pa & Pa級的偉大釀酒師作品。但是在這篇文章另外列出了六支遺珠之憾,這支就名列其中。
這塊地也是Comte Senard的起源,現在莊主的祖父在1857年就開闢了這塊地做為葡萄園
CORTON Grand Cru 產區:
The Domaine du comte Senard Corton Clos du Roi 2005 (Grand Cru 頂級紅酒) Offer: Burghound :93分 & Stephen Tanzer (T.Z):93分
Tasting Notes: As it almost always does in riper vintages, this dominates the cellar today as it has both the most aromatic complexity and the most size, weight and sheer depth of material. The reticent earth and game-infused nose offers both red and blue pinot fruit that is in keeping with the reserved, backward and very serious big-bodied flavors that are very firmly structured and this is a “buy and forget” Corton because it will demand a lot of patience yet the quality is undeniable. A wine for the distant future. 年產量:3675瓶
在vintage雜誌上看到饒永鑫介紹他心目中的布根地十大酒王,其中列出了十支他認為最棒的布根地葡萄酒,給予三顆星的評價,多半都是一些布根地PaPa級的偉大釀酒師作品。這支酒雖然不在十大之中,但是在這篇文章另外列出了六支遺珠之憾,這支就名列其中。 這塊地也是Comte Senard的起源,現在莊主的祖父在1857年就開闢了這塊地做為葡萄園
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