繼昨晚一推出Chmbertin 2009秒殺後,再次推出 Chapelle Chambertin 2009 ,然而最精華地區 Chambertin 2008 也只剩下最後5瓶,機會不再,請勿錯過!!
古老香柏潭釀酒工藝精髓化身 – Domaine Rossignol -Trapet Chambertin Grand Cru
Trapet 是 布根地 Chambertin 地區葡萄園最老的酒廠之一,成立於西元1,508年,在很久以前就開始有種植葡萄的記載, 當時是最著名傳統酒商﹔其釀酒品質之高,堪稱 Burgundy Chambertin之最重要精華酒莊,在西元1990 年兄弟家族關係分成 Domaine Trapet 以及 Rossignol Trapet 兩家酒廠,Rossignol Trapet 由任莊主 Nicolas和David 二個共同接手酒莊事業。兄弟二人地攜手打造細緻與高雅純淨清新頂級香柏潭。他們採用自然動力法照顧葡萄園,更獲得 Demeter 官方認證,他們認為讓葡萄在自然環境下生長,就是對葡萄最好的自然照顧,獨一無二的最自然風土特色! 能夠在保有細緻,又能將發揮飽滿單寧的之間達到一個完美的自然絕佳平衡點!
他們兄弟二個大刀闊斧進行革新。從1996年起採用自然動力法 (biodynamic) 方式去呵護他們自己葡萄園,細緻與高雅純淨清新,並嚴格以手工挑選品質最好的葡萄。整體來說,Rossignol Trapet在後代掌管領導之下,已是 Burgundy Chambertin內 頂級的酒廠之一,其製程之嚴謹及品質之高是不容置疑的﹔幾乎所有Trapet的一級及頂級酒均可陳年10~15 年之久。法國著名Remington Norman 葡萄酒指南 -更是將 Rossignol Trapet Grand Cru 酒莊,可見在布根地Chambertin有著非常重要性地位 !!
Chapelle Chambertin 頂級產區:
The Wines of Domine Rossignol – Trapet Chapelle Chambertin 2009 Offer: (* Grand Cru * )
Parker Tasting Note: The 2009 Chapelle-Chambertin caresses the palate from start to finish. Fresh and vibrant throughout, the Chapelle comes across as strikingly beautiful in every dimension. Dried flowers, spices and berries wrap around the finish. Anticipated maturity: 2017-2029.
Chambertin 頂級產區:
The Wines of Domine Rossignol – Trapet Chambertin 2008 Offer: (* Grand Cru * )
Parker Tasting Note: Tasted blind at the Burgundy 2008 horizontal tasting in Beaune, the 2008 Chambertin has a pure bouquet with wild strawberry, cranberry, animal fur and strong sous-bois aromas that are nicely defined, but lend it a feral quality that is intriguing. The palate is medium-bodied with crisp filigree tannins. This is tensile and focused with a sense of energy and poise that revs up on the gorgeous finish and leaves you crying for more. This is a great success for the domaine and is utterly sublime.
玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
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