光輝波爾多2003年當年世紀傳奇 — The Wine of Chateau Branaire- Ducru 2003 【周伯通】Saint-Julien, France Offer

在一場香港國泰航空慈善拍賣會上,鼎鼎大名的著名小說家金庸,他當時為拍賣會的 Château Branaire- Ducru 酒莊命名為叫【周伯通】。金庸筆下最令人佩服的人物傳奇,周伯通其人武功超脫,樂天的性格,逍遙自在。形象與本款佳釀的獨特氣息相合。隔年2002年Chateau Branaire- Ducru特別與與國泰航空 Cathay Pacific Airline 聯合發行了2000年份,中文酒標限量版100支,每瓶酒標上特別印上「周伯通」中文字樣,彰顯出對中國市場上的重視,並且將本次銷售收入全數作慈善用途。

話說 Château Branaire Ducru 酒莊歷史要從最早的17世紀開始,Château Branaire Ducru 曾經是Château Beychevelle龍船四級酒莊的一部分。後來賣給了Jean-Baptiste Braneyre。 Braneyre的女兒Marie嫁給了Pierre de luc,這就是Château Branaire Ducru 酒莊名字內( Duluc )的由來 ,在西元1855年列級制度下,評鑑為頂級四級名莊。

Château Branaire Ducru 目前擁有60公頃葡萄園,土壤為Medoc梅多克區的沙礫土。園內葡萄樹平均樹齡為35~50年不等,種植葡萄比例:Cabernet Sauvignon 70%、Merlot 22%、Cabernet Franc 4%、Petit Verdot 4%。Château Branaire-Ducru依循傳統的釀造方式,注重風土條件,不斷地更新釀酒技術和設備,算是走在波爾多釀酒現代化的酒莊,本次2003波爾多好年份Château Branaire Ducru 獲得 Robert Parker 給予95分之高。特性香醇濃烈、強勁而又優雅,充份表現出酒體飽滿渾厚扎實的力量,尾韻相當悠長。經過10幾年不斷地陳年演化,加上波爾多2003年特好天氣年份條件下,相信本酒現在絕對是一瓶相當精彩的波爾多2003年傑出作品 !

The Wines of Château Branaire Ducru 2003 Offer Saint-Julien, France – Robert Parker:95分

Chateau Branaire Ducru 2003Robert Parker Tasting Notes:Proprietor Patrick Maroteaux, president of Unions des Grands Crus Classes, is pulling out all the stops to make Branaire as alluring as several of the Leovilles and Ducru Beaucaillou. 2003 and 2004 may be the finest back-to-back vintages ever produced at Branaire. Even better than the 1982 (甚至超過1982波爾多世紀年), the profound 2003 Branaire Ducru boasts a saturated plum/purple color as well as an extraordinarily complex nose of black currants, blackberries, espresso roast, white chocolate, minerals, and truffles. It displays amazing freshness and definition for such a complex, complete, and full-bodied wine. A brilliant effort in the vintage, it will undoubtedly close down in several years and need more time, but perhaps its low acidity and huge, extravagant fruit-forwardness will keep it drinking well over the next two decades.【A brilliant wine! 】( 最少醒酒二次, 這是一款傑出的完美作品 ! )


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