一個懷抱熱誠,卻相當平易近人,同樣來自波爾多質精量小 Pomeol 的 Chateau La Truffe 2007 • Pomerol 【松露酒莊】Offer
當您還沉醉於波爾多Bordeaux 左岸的五大酒莊同時,已經開始有酒友將注目焦點放在右岸波美侯(Pomerol)質精產量小的精華產區,鼎鼎大名波爾多酒王Chateau Petrus & Le Pin 更是名列其區,但今天的主角不是這些天價高不可攀的名莊,而是來自一個懷抱熱誠,平易近人,同樣來自Pomeol 的 Chateau La Truffe• 【松露酒莊】
Domaine du Grand Ormeau 位於法國波爾多Pomerol產區,至今已有將近200年的釀酒歷史,現任莊主 Jean-Paul Garde 一直積極尋找他心目中理想優秀地塊,終於皇天不負苦心人,一塊只有小小的2.4公頃的葡萄園,開始建立了他自己獨自擁有的Chateau La Truffe 小酒莊。為了充份展現出Pomerol波美侯當地獨一無二風土條件,讓酒在完全陳年熟成後散發出淡淡優雅的松露淡淡的香氣,因此Jean-Paul Garde將酒莊取名為“松露莊園”
園內的土壤富含高密度矽石和金屬氧化物,為葡萄樹提供了生長活力的幫助,更增加葡萄果實複雜性。充足的日照帶來讓葡萄更加成熟,種植的葡萄品種有 90% Merlot 和 5% Cabernet Sauvignon 和 5% Cabernet Franc,平均樹齡為35~45年。Jean-Paul Garde 採用傳統方法種植葡萄樹,他親力親為在葡萄園內剪枝、疏葉、疏果及採摘等都是透過他的雙手來完成。釀酒過程中的每一道工序都經過Jean-Paul Garde的嚴格監控親自操作。使用過一年或二年的橡木桶進行陳釀,就是為了避免新橡木桶味過多粹取去影響酒質,他的酒採用精工細作的釀酒方式,年產量就只有 1,500箱左右,從葡萄成長的諸般細節,到酒液釀製的每個步驟,Jean-Paul Garde 儘可能減少人為影響,讓萄葡忠實地呈現出真實與自然的樣貌 !
Our vineyard spreads among 2 districts : Néac (clayey soil) and Lalande de Pomerol (deep gravels). Cultivation on the vineyard is done by traditional methods with mechanical work of the soil, sustainable agriculture, hand thinning out of leaves and bunches.
After destemming and crushing, the grapes are left to macerate in cold temperatures for 3 to 5 days in order to extract a maximum of coloration and aroma. Alcoholic and malolactic fermentations are then carried out in temperature controlled vats. Vatting time at high temperature will vary between 18-30 days depending on the harvest.
The Wines of Chateau La Truffe Pomerol 2007 Offer
Chateau La Truffe Pomerol 2007Tasting Notes: La Truffe is a very charming wine with its classic Pomerol nose. Here you will meet truffles, plums, blackberries and dark cherries, as well as undertones of leather, tobacco, vanilla and cedar. In the mouth there are the elegant tannins as well as the acid that supports the flavors of truffle, leather, tobacco, plums, blackberry, dark cherry, vanilla, cedar and autumn leaves. La Truffe is an exquisite pleasure to taste and is a wine that will fit well for the dinners of the autumn. The wine is stored in barrique, of which one third is new, for 12-16 months depending on the vintage. The rest of the wine is stored in the two-year old barrique. La Truffe is a mixture of 90% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc and 5% Cabernet Sauvignon. La Truffe 2007 is on top now and will stay there for the next 3 years
在國際葡萄酒賽事上獲得了不少殊榮。Chateau La Truffe 以飽滿的酒體、濃郁的香氣、複雜的層次於2011年在 Decanter 世界葡萄酒大賽(Decanter World Wine Awards)中榮獲了銀牌,更是獲得《Decanter》雜誌的三星好評
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