【耀眼的隆河黃寶石 • 花仙子】- E. Guigal Condrieu La Doriane 2016 “A Great Year– 全隆河最美麗花香的白酒, 更是積架酒廠目前釀出最完美自傲的作品】 • 稀世珍釀 >百大葡萄酒之44號

Dear ALL,【耀眼的隆河黃寶石】- E. Guigal Condrieu La Doriane 2016 全新年份 “A Great Year” – Condrieu 恭得里奧天王「La Doriane」,耀眼的黃寶石!【預定四月海運到貨】



不過,人怕出名酒也怕,正因為聲名遠揚,2015年的時候,這款Condrieu La Doriane葡萄園被盜,損失了近三分之一的成果,對於本身產量就低的他們來説無疑是雪上加霜,最終只產了三千瓶。

The wines of E. Guigal Condrieu • 【La Doriane 】2016 Offer – 【全隆河最美麗花香的白酒, 更是積架酒廠目前釀出最完美自傲的作品】• 稀世珍釀 >百大葡萄酒之44號

Guigal 以隆河特有的 100% Viognier 釀造 Condrieu 白酒,La Doriane 就是積架酒廠最頂尖的白酒,來自 Condrieu 本區位於陡峭斜坡上最優質的葡萄園,葡萄樹齡約 35~40年,在酒廠精湛的釀造技術下,將早熟、酸度低的 Viognier 釀成令人垂涎的頂級白酒。La Doriane 以100% 全新橡木桶發酵,桶中醇化九個月後裝瓶。 ,2009 年以來 Condrieu La Doriane白酒 每一年均獲得Wine Advocate Robert Parker 96分以上的高分評鑑讚譽,每年釋出後都被饕客爭相追逐, 成為全球愛酒人士不計代價想要收藏的隆河珍釀!

E. Guigal Condrieu • 【La Doriane 】2016Jeb Dunnuck Tasting Notes: The flagship 2016 Condrieu La Doriane also shows the freshness and more classical style of the vintage. Citrus blossom, crushed rocks, honeysuckle, and orange blossom give way to a medium to full-bodied, incredibly elegant Condrieu (令人難信自信的美) that gains depth and richness with time in the glass. It will be better this time next year and keep for 7-8 years.

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: Easily one of the greatest Condrieu I’ve ever tasted is the 2016 Condrieu La Doriane (我試過最偉大傑出的就是2016年 Condrieu La Doriane) . A wine that needs to be tasted to be believed (這瓶酒在你親身試過後就會相信), it possesses a huge nose of toasted brioche, liquid rocks, apricot, flower oil and salty minerality. Unctuous, full-bodied, massively rich, yet also elegant and graceful, with beautiful freshness, enjoy this tour de force over the coming 5-6 years. 【全隆河最美麗花香的白酒, 更是積架酒廠目前釀出最完美自傲的作品】 • 稀世珍釀 >百大葡萄酒之44號


E. Guigal Condrieu •【La Doriane 】2016 – 【 Jeb Dunnuck:96分 】&【 Robert Parker: 96分】- 【已全部賣完了,謝謝】



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