【朝聖路上慈悲 • 最高性價比的波爾多 Pomerol 質精量小 • 古老歷史小酒】 • Chateau Beauregard 2011 & 2015 • Pomerol【貝爾加德酒莊】Offer

若我們說酒徒來波爾多是朝盛,那麼波美侯就是天主教朝盛必經之地! 以梅洛(Merlot)葡萄為主,面積小,卻釀出波爾多最貴的葡萄酒,甜美芳香 • 幾乎就是波爾多皇冠上明珠,被遺忘的歷史 Pomerol….. •【預定八月海運到貨】•【Sold Out 全部已售完,謝謝】

連老佛爺集團(Galeries Lafayette Group) Moulin家族第一次出手收購葡萄酒產業,第一眼就看中這家Chateau Beauregard ,與Chateau Smith Haut-Lafitte史密斯拉菲簽訂共同釀酒經營合作

“PROBABLY THE CHATEAU’S GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE LAST 20 YEARS.”2015年這可能是二十年重建以來最偉大的成就 ! – 大家若有試到2015年波爾多,一定很難忘記2015


Chateau Beauregard最早建立是在 11 世紀,最早創建為 Pomerol 當地聖約翰騎士團醫院 Bernard Beauregard ,從歷史文獻記載12世紀以來就有生產葡萄酒紀錄,在16世紀醫院在一場大火中損毀,現存酒莊西元1745年開始重建,是波美侯地區最古老的酒莊之一。目前葡萄園面積為17.5公頃,年產量只有5000箱,2014年酒莊被老佛爺集團(Galeries Lafayette Group) Moulin家族出手收購,投入了大量資金以開發酒莊潛力,聘請的“飛行釀酒師”Michel Rolland擔任釀酒顧問,針對各個地塊土壤特性,進行全面分析及優化排水性能,大幅度地提高葡萄品質,全面性更新釀酒設備,75% Merlot 和 25% Cabernet Franc,平均樹齡為35-40年。當葡萄達到理想的成熟狀態以後,酒莊會通過人工的方式進行採摘。採摘後的葡萄經過篩選、70%全新橡木桶陳年21個月,隨著陳年的時間的推移,葡萄酒中會顯現出波美侯優質葡萄酒特有的甘美和深邃。傳統波美侯風格,穩重甘美溫和…..

The Wines of Chateau Beauregard 2015 Offer – 【Pomerol • 光輝歲月2015超級好年】• 【 Robert Parker: 93分】•【 Tim Atkin: 93分】•【Falstaff Magazin: 93-95分】•【Bettane et Desseauve: 18分】•【原廠限量配額只有12瓶】

Chateau Beauregard 2015 Offer – 【Pomerol • 光輝歲月2015超級好年】Robert Parker Tasting Notes: Medium to deep garnet-purple colored, the 2015 Beauregard has a lovely fragrant, earth-inspired nose with a core of black raspberries, warm mulberries and plum preserves plus touches of garrigue and violets. Medium-bodied, soft and beautifully elegant with amazing freshness and energy, it finishes long and minerally. It is nearly impossible to resist at present (完全無法抗拒) and should continue to drink well for at least another 12-15 years.



This wine has a deep purple hue and already reveals intense and complex aromas of black fruit, such as blackcurrant, blackberry and morello cherry, mingling harmoniously with notes of violets, sweet spices, eucalyptus, forest floor and already very well integrated oak.

The entry on the palate is silky and deliciously flavoursome thanks to round, stylish and perfectly ripe tannins. The tannic structure is generous and of very high quality, ensuring good volume, flesh and outstanding density on the palate. Welcome freshness gives uplift to the whole and provides delicate and elegant balance. The finish, which is exceptionally long, rounds off the tasting in perfect fashion

with aromatics coming through again with the characteristic balance and elegance of a great wine. Without any doubt, Château Beauregard 2015 has an ageing potential of 20 years.

Chateau Beauregard 2015【 Pomerol • 光輝歲月2015超級好年】• 【Sold Out 全部已售完,謝謝】• 【Robert Parker: 93分】•【 Tim Atkin: 93分】•【Falstaff Magazin: 93-95分】•【Bettane et Desseauve: 18分】


The Wines of Chateau Beauregard 2011 Offer – 【Pomerol】• 【 Tim Atkin: 92分】•【Falstaff Magazin: 93分】•【【James Suckling: 93分】

Chateau Beauregard 2011 【Pomerol】Tasting Notes: This wine exhibits an attractive deep purple colour. Great complexity is shown in an aromatic bouquet of floral notes (violets), fruit aromas (blackcurrants) and hints of spice (cayenne pepper). The whole is enveloped in very delicate toasty aromas. The attack is smooth and unctuous; the tannins are round, juicy and spicy. Lovely volume on the palate is combined with power and freshness. The finish is long

and displays the wine’s great pedigree character.

This 2011 vintage is particularly well balanced thanks to excellent Cabernet Franc. Without question,you will derive great pleasure from this wine in 5 to 15 years’ time.

Chateau Beauregard 2011【 Pomerol】• 【 Tim Atkin: 92分】•【Falstaff Magazin: 93分】•【James Suckling: 93分】



玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent WU
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Line ID: Vincent9238
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