古老釀酒工藝精髓– The Wines of Domaine Trapet Chapelle Chambertin & Latricieres Chambertin 2008
免費 – 台北市

古老釀酒工藝精髓化身 – Domaine Trapet Pere et Fils

Jean – Louis Trapet 是 布根地 Chambertin 地區葡萄園最老的酒廠之一,成立於西元1,508年,在很久以前就開始有種植葡萄的記載, 當時是最著名傳統酒商﹔其釀酒品質之高,堪稱 Burgundy Chambertin之翹楚。後經歷七個世代之後,目前應是Chambertin 特級園佔地最多大地主,持有的面積僅次於 Armand Rousseau。1990 年因家族關係分成 Domaine Trapet 以及 Rossignol Trapet 兩家酒廠,Domaine Trapet 由現任莊主 Jean Louis 接手,大刀闊斧進行革新。1998 年酒廠全面改以 Biodynamic 「自然動力法」耕作。90 年代後期酒廠喜好高度濃縮萃取的技術,但近年來 Jean-Louis 改以晚採收讓果實更成熟等方式呈現出濃郁稠密的酒質,充份展現出地塊 Terrior 的個性。釀出的酒則是優雅細緻,結構均衡的最佳典範。Trapet以生產耐久存的葡萄酒而聞名,自從 1985 年開始,幾乎所有 Trapet的頂級酒及一級酒均採用100%全新橡木桶,並嚴格以手工挑選品質最好的葡萄。整體來說,Trapet在後代掌管領導之下,已是 Burgundy Chambertin內最頂級的酒廠之一,其製程之嚴謹及品質之高是不容置疑的﹔幾乎所有Trape的一級及頂級酒均可陳年10~15 年之久。法國著名葡萄酒指南”HACHETTE GUIDE”書中,共入選本酒莊6支 Chambertin Grand Cru產區,並給予三顆金星最高的酒莊等級 莊為布根地的三星廠”三星為最高評分”,2010年為布根地頂尖年份—- Bettane & Desseauve classé ★ ★ ★酒莊

Chambertin 頂級產區:

The Wines of Domaine Trapet Chapelle Chambertin 2008 Offer: (* Grand Cru * )

Robert Parker Tasting Note: The 2008 Chapelle-Chambertin will thrill readers who admire cool, inward Burgundies built for the long haul. The 2008 Chapelle is tight, powerful and vibrant but also immensely gifted in its fresh, vibrant perfume and clean, mineral-laced fruit. All of the elements are in place for this to develop into a splendid, hugely rewarding wine, but patience is the key. Anticipated maturity: 2023-2048.

The Wines of Domaine Trapet Latricieres Chambertin 2008 Offer: (* Grand Cru * )

Robert Parker Tasting Note: The 2008 Latricieres-Chambertin speaks of vineyard first and vintage second. It shows marvelous freshness, energy and vibrancy in its sweet, layered fruit. Gorgeous inner perfume and crisp, delineated fruit build beautifully towards the pointed, chiseled finish. The 2008 Latricieres is truly majestic. Interestingly, the Latricieres is less marked by the vintage than the Chapelle. Anticipated maturity: 2023-2048.



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吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
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