【 Lagrange 不斷散發出超越傳統的魅力,將是酒莊偉大成就年份之一 !】- The Wines of Chateau Lagrange 2014 Offer : 3eme Grnad Cru * 三級酒莊 * – 【Wine Enthusiast :94分 & James Suckling: 93分 & Vinous – Antonio Galloni: 93分】

【 Lagrange 不斷散發出超越傳統的魅力,將是酒莊偉大成就年份之一! 】 • 漫畫《神之雫》第二集 P.171 •【限量36瓶】

追溯歷史Château Lagrange曾是一座豪華古宅,自西元1631年開始便有文字記載莊園有關葡萄的種植和釀製。到了1824年Château Lagrange當時就相當具有名氣,Château Lagrange 位於波爾多左岸St-Julien產區,於1855年的波爾多酒莊評比獲選為「頂級三級酒莊」,從原本的貴族豪宅一路發展成知名葡萄酒莊,開啟了Chateau Lagrange的黃金時代。Château Lagrange 擁有梅多克產區寬廣的葡萄園與良好風土條件,雖然曾經歷多重難關,直到1983年被日本三得利suntory集團收購的時候,莊園僅剩157公頃,suntory 投入當初購買酒莊金額約四倍的驚人鉅額,大規模地整修葡萄園,在多位名釀酒師的努力不懈下,呈現嶄新風貌,品質已達頂級第二等之水準。連漫畫《神之雫》都如此詮釋Château Lagrange:「在年輕有才華又竭盡所能的人們手中,不斷散發出超越傳統的魅力。」

Château Lagrange 嶄新出發,最重要靈魂人物就是 Marcel Ducasse。此人長於化學,精於控制,他自1983至2007年都是Château Lagrange 的釀酒師。在他長年操盤下,Château Lagrange 除了品質穩定,同時以紮實耐久、有力且優雅聞名,屬於面面俱到的高級波爾多,需要10年左右才會逐漸進入適飲期。它的葡萄園管理,甚至發酵,全是以plot為單位,也就是1小塊1小塊的分別進行,這需要大量的觀察與計量分析,也就是要有非常科學的精神,這正是Marcel Ducasse的釀酒哲學。

The Wines of Château Lagrange 2014 Offer : St-Julien, 3ème Grnad Cru Classe * 三級酒莊 * -【Wine Enthusiast :94分 & James Suckling: 93分 & Vinous – Antonio Galloni: 93分】

平均樹齡:35年 • 76% Cabernet Sauvignon、18% Merlot、6% Petit Verdot • 橡木桶16-20個月 (70%新桶) • To this very “Medoc” blend.

Château Lagrange 2014Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 2014 Lagrange has indeed pulled its socks up, as I opined when I tasted the wine from barrel. Now in bottle, it has a conservative, tertiary nose with introverted black fruit mixed with cedar and sandalwood aromas. It feels tight at the moment but there is satisfying focus here. The palate is medium-bodied with grainy tannin on the entry, though the Merlot component becomes more prominent towards the finish and offers a lovely fleshy, poised finish with a dab of black pepper on the aftertaste. Modest but stylish Lagrange, which is exactly what you expect.

Wine Enthusiast Tasting Notes: Firm and still dry with the solid tannins, the wine’s ripe fruitiness is developing well. The combination gives great potential. Black currant and berry fruits are both there with crisp juicy acidity. The aftertaste is a reminder that this wine has a long way to go. Drink from 2024.

The 2014 Grand Vin boasts suave, powerful tannins with more precision than in the vintages 2006 and 2008, 【 This remarkable vintage can be considered among the property’s greatest success. 這個年份將是酒莊偉大成就年份之一!】, It will charm you with its elegance ,depth and balance【它將會提供您優雅,深度和平衡魅力】。Undoubtedly a vintage to be aged longer than the three previous vintages



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