義大利巨匠- Le Macchiole – The Wines of Le Macchiole Paleo Rosso 2007 Offer – Wine Enthusiast : 98分 & Robert Parker: 95分 – Super Italy 2007 Vintage.. James Sucking 滿分的年度風雲酒莊

Eugenio Campolmi 在 西元1970年代就開始在法國布根地和波爾多開始學習釀酒,回到他熱愛故鄉義大利後,於1975年在Bolgheri買下一座葡萄園並命名為Le Macchiole ,只離海岸短短的五公里,大家都知道受到涼爽海風影響。造成日熱夜涼的最佳葡萄生產環境,葡萄園面積約22公頃,採取高密度種植,產量極低,旗艦酒款 Messorio更是一株葡萄樹只生產一瓶酒,可見酒莊對品質的堅持。

酒莊後於1983年成立,經過一番嚐試,剛好迎上了超級托斯卡納風起雲湧的年代。要知道Bolgheri DOC一直到西元是1994才獲得義大利政府成立,Le Macchiole在80年代初期的努力,算是將Bolgheri推上義大利國際頂尖葡萄酒最大功臣之一。此外,更重要的是,酒莊在1991年找來Luca D’Attoma擔任釀酒,他在Merlot表現上最為出色,從Luca 釀製Tua Rita 酒莊的 Redigaffi,以及 Le Macchiole 的 Messorio ,都是採用100% Merlot,均獲Robert Parker(WA) 和 Wine Spectator (WS) 完美100分!這也讓 Le Macchiole 的地位和 Sassicaia、Ornellaia、Messeto 並駕齊驅。眾多酒莊開始追逐Merlot 之際,Le Macchiole已經走向100%卡本內-弗朗但是此刻,Le Macchiole已有不錯的作品問世,那就是(100% Cabernet Franc) 的Paleo 。它帶實驗風格的神秘色彩,更讓內行義大利酒友們高度親睞,成為收藏家的珍藏品和出現拍賣會中的拍品。

The Wines of Le Macchiole Paleo Rosso 2007 Offer , / Toscana / Italy Offer – Robert Parker: 95分 & Wine Enthusiast : 98分 – (( 100% Cabernet Franc ) )

Wine Enthusiast Tasting Notes- “Paleo (a pure expression of Cabernet Franc from Coastal Tuscany) is a drop dead gorgeous wine with amazing intensity and purity of aromas. You get it all here: Bright berry notes, drying mineral, exotic spice, cooling acidity and firm, satisfying structure. It’s a rich, velvety and beautiful wine that will award you a memorable drinking experience now or in 10 years time.” Points: 98 – From 2015年度義大利“百大”葡萄酒,排名第17名

Robert Parker Tasting note: The 2007 Paleo Rosso (Cabernet Franc) offers up compelling, nuanced layers of smoke, dark cherries, mocha and grilled herbs in a style that reveals considerable richness and opulence but also quite a bit of verve, minerality and sheer structure. The wine has begun to shut down considerably since it was bottled and will require quite a bit of patience. Still, it is impossible to miss the silkiness of the tannins, the impeccable purity of the finish and the wine’s exceptional overall sense of harmony. This brilliant effort will be a joy to follow over the coming years. Anticipated maturity: 2017-2027.


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