全世界上最貴的奇揚地,但也是最稀有獨特的奇揚地,在此獻給真正喜歡奇揚地的您!- 只有9瓶!

A place of cultic importance in the wine world. We Italians often complain that we do not have our own Chateaux Margaux , our Romanée Conti, our Opus One. But we are wrong, for we do have here in Italy some wine “houses” that are something better, something beyond the normal cellar. Relatively few, perhaps, but true domains of Bacchus where everything is utterly flawless, where time assumes the feel of history, the memory of timeless impressions, the quintessential ingredient in the evolution of wine. Castello di Ama is one of those places where one encounters the Platonic absolutes (…) Carlo Cambi–Il Buon Vino-Ist.Geografico De Agostini–2005

有一個地方是在葡萄酒世界中享受眾人頂禮膜拜之所。義大利人常常抱怨說他們沒有 Chateau Margaux,沒有 Romanée Conti,沒有 Opus One。但是他們都錯了,在義大利有一些卓越非凡的“小莊園”,那是被酒神巴庫斯 Bacchus 恩典的完美領域,莊園積澱了歷史和永恆的回憶。Castello di Ama 就是這樣一個宛如柏拉圖式純粹而美好的酒莊。—Carlo Cambi

Castello de Ama 是個位處在小山坡且名叫 Ama 非常小村莊,位於 Siena 省份的 Gaiole in Chianti 產區,是 Chianti Classico 的中心點也是 Chianti 區內最重要的產區,這裡交錯種植著葡萄、橄欖樹和樹木。歷史文獻表示最早在西元988年就有種植葡萄,之後這裡成為羅馬帝國的封地,酒莊經過四次的換手經營後,於1972年由現任的莊主經營。

在1980年代,莊主的女兒 Lorenza Sebasti 和釀酒師丈夫 Marco Pallanti 接管了酒莊, Marco Pallanti 畢業於佛羅倫斯大學,之後任教於laboratory of Chianti Classico Consortium(是一所培植釀酒師的實驗室),培育過許多知名的釀酒師,後來去 Bordeaux 學習釀酒並認識了 Mouton 當時的釀酒師 Patrick Leon 並結為好友,在學習並增廣見聞後,他誓言要成為 Chianti 裡最好的酒莊,這位年輕的農藝師後來成為托斯卡尼最令人尊重的釀酒師,並於2003年獲得 Gambero Rosso and Slow Food 給予 ”年度最佳釀酒師”的頭銜。

Ama 酒莊佔地250公頃,其中90公頃的葡萄園,40公頃的橄欖園,海拔平均高度 480公尺。葡萄酒年產量 30萬~35萬瓶,最知名酒款 Castello di Ama Chianti Classico 是以 Sangiovese 品種葡萄嚴格篩選後釀製而成。

在 Marco Pallanti 努力改造之後,大幅度的提升了酒的品質,隨後 Ama的酒,馬上就獲得 Gambero Rosso and Slow Food 最高等級三個杯子的評價,此後連續多年都榮獲最高等級的三杯評價,並獲的 Robert Parker 及 Wine Spectator 高分的肯定。讓Castello di Ama 成為義大利最偉大的酒莊,也是世界上最優良的酒莊。

The Castello Di Ama Chianti Classico Vigneto Bellavista 2007 Offer: (義大利古典經典奇揚地2007超級好年只進9瓶..一瓶難求!)

Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 207 Chianti Classico Vigneto Bellavista is a knock out. Rose petals, flowers, all sorts of red berries and mint are some of the nuances that emerge from the 2007. Striking inner perfume, ripe tannins and phenomenal overall balance are the calling cards. Today the 2007 comes across as a modern-day version of the 1990 or, to use a more contemporary comparison, the 2004, but with more weight and also greater sweetness in the tannin. Either way, it is flat-out stunning and a must-have. Anticipated maturity: 2017-2037. 2007年份的Chianti Classico Vigneto Bellavista 色澤深黯,更帶深黑莓果味,這主要是因為除了 Sangiovese 以外另加入了20%的Malvasia Nera 品種的葡萄。有扎實的單寧和完整的結構,氣味中帶有櫻桃、煙燻、乾草、薄荷、菸草和燒烤牧草的香味,是一瓶強而有力的 Chianti Classico。

A linear style, this elegant wine boasts cherry, strawberry, tobacco and spice aromas and flavors. Gains richness in the mouth, supported by stern tannins, yet this is balanced and very long. Be patient. Best from 2014 through 2035. 70 cases


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