有生必嘗的Barolo 的儒者 ﹕Aldo Conterno — 近幾年義大利酒界中痛失三位天王級的傳奇人物,Quintarelli 酒莊的莊主 Giuseppe Quintarelli、Biondi Santi 酒莊的莊主 Franco Biondi Santi,和 Aldo Conterno 都離開我們了,而 Conterno 是Barolo 最具創新的代表人物 收藏 Barolo大師級的酒…機會越來越少了..尤其是在他 2012年夏天去世以後….一生心力全部奉獻給 Barolo 最佳釀酒者 !! … what a wonderful wine!what a barolo!

在1950年代23歲的Conterno遠渡到美國學習葡萄酒貿易,期間並被徵招進入義大利軍隊服役,跟隨美國軍隊參與韓戰,這段艱辛的歷程訓練出他堅毅不拔的個性,對往後的釀酒事業影響極大,1961年他回到義大利的家族產業,並和哥哥共同繼承了父親的Giacomo Conterno酒莊 ( Barolo裡的 DRC),1969年,他們兄弟倆分道揚鑣,他買下”Favot”農場建立了 “Poderi Aldo Conterno” 酒莊,實現他自己的夢想!! Conterno在人生的最後幾年裡因病已極少現身,在 Barolo裡你永遠會感受到他神奇般的無所不在,因為你已經永遠再也見不到他了,他已在2012年的夏天離開我們了!!

Aldo Conterno 有著純正義大利紳士的謙遜及友善的舉止,無法掩飾他本身與生俱來的坦率及專業能力。Aldo Conterno 於 2012年初夏過世,一生心力全部奉獻給 Barolo,他離去無疑是 Barolo 產區的一大損失, Aldo Conterno 可稱得上是Barolo 的儒者

Aldo Conterno 的網站說他們的信條是 “in medio stat virtus” (拉丁語,意為Virtue stands in the middle ),我們儒家的所謂「中庸之道」也!

The Wines Of Aldo Conterno Barbera D’Alba “ Conca Tre Pile ” DOC 2013 Offer – Wine Spcetator: 91分 & James Suckling: 90分 & Stephen Tanzer (T.Z): 92分

Conca Tre Pile 位於Bussia 區域內 一處名叫” Soprana “丘陵高地上,這裡的海拔約在200~230公尺,由於是面向西南坡面上,所以有良好的日照時數, 這對葡萄的成熟度有很大的影響, Conca Tre Pile 葡萄園內最老 Barbera 樹齡達45年之久, 浸皮發酵約8-11天(依當年份葡萄而定),採用法國全新小型橡木桶陳釀12個月後,再開始轉換成瓶內陳年!

The “Conca Tre Pile” is a hilly area in Bussia Soprana where the vines are predominantly Barbera, with vineyards having a maximum age of 45 years. The barrels (“barriques”) are made of 100% new wood.

Aldo Conterno Barbera d’alba conca Tre Pile 2013James Suckling Tasting Notes: “Aromas of toast, scorched earth, black plum, espresso and mocha lead the nose on this robust, savory wine. The concentrated palate offers mature black cherry, ripe blackberry, raspberry jam, licorice and black pepper alongside chewy tannins and fresh acidity. The fruit richness seamlessly supports the hefty alcohol.”

Wine Spectator Tasting Note : Earth and spice aromas and flavors flirt with core cherry notes in this firm, pure red. The finish is lightly astringent yet long, with an element of black tea. Decant. Drink now through 2021. 300 cases

紅寶石光亮清澈,略帶有明顯紫羅蘭和黑櫻桃和西洋衫木, 酒體相當濃郁厚實,結構相當集中;可說是一瓶現代派 Barbera !


The Wines Of Aldo Conterno Langhe Nebbiolo “ Il Favot ” 2013 Offer – Wine Spcetator: 91分 & Stephen Tanzer (T.Z): 93分

採用 Bussia(布西亞) 區域 多處不同葡萄園地塊混釀,100% Nebbiolo ,平均樹齡約在15年之間. 浸皮發酵約6-8天.先以恆溫不鏽鋼桶陳年數個月左右(依當年份葡萄而定),再用法國小型橡木桶陳釀18個月後,再開始轉換成瓶內陳年!

The grapes used to make “ Il Favot” come from vineyards which have undergone periodical implantations, and so have a maximum age of 15 years. The skin soaking is limited to 6-8 days so to extract few tannins and more colour from the skins themselves, with the result of getting a well-coloured wine with a remarkable softness.The barrels (“barriques”) used are 100% made of new wood.

The New wine after spending from 5 to 6 months in stainless steel vats and being transferred several times, is poured onto “barriques” (barrels), where it remains for about 18 months and, finally, it will be bottled.

Aldo Conterno Nebbiolo Langhe ll Favot 2013Wine Spectator Tasting Note : Cherry, licorice, leather and earth flavors are the hallmarks of this elegant, balanced red. Expressive, lingering with fruit, spice and mineral elements. Drink now through 2022. 280 cases



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