【至始都是個農夫,更了解過去那段辛勤耕作的辛苦】- Elio Altare Barolo 【Cerretta Vigna Bricco 2010】&【Barolo Brunate 2011-消失的地塊-限量最後2瓶】&【Vigneto Arborina 2010 – 限量最後6瓶】 Offer – 【Robert Parker: 98分】

我至始至終都是個農夫,更了解過去那段辛勤耕作的辛苦。20歲之前的我,都在葡萄園裡牽牛耕地,學習捲起袖腕來尊重土地。」 – Giuseppe Altare .

「這一切都是為了求生存,都是為了求生存。」電影裡,Elio Altare 對著鏡頭緩緩陳述。幾近六十個年頭的風波起落後,Elio仍舊一如往昔地直言不諱、一如往著地堅定不移。


Altare 家族於1948年由 Giuseppe Altare 帶領,自Dogliani村遷徙至 La Morra 村,兩村皆位於皮蒙(Piedmont)。Giuseppe 於此地購入約小小的五公頃葡萄園,在當時,因種植蘭花的經濟效益遠比葡萄藤來的高,因此農園中僅少部分種植了內比歐露(Nebbiolo)、巴貝拉(Barbera)和多切托(Dolcetto)等葡萄品種,及桃子、榛果樹和蘋果樹。

後來碰上持續幾年的經濟大蕭條,迫使 Giuseppe的孫子Elio決定與朋友一同走出家鄉至以釀出黃金液體葡萄酒聞名的勃根地地區學習釀酒技術。他們於1976年首到法國勃根地(Burgundy),學習到諸多寶貴知識和技術,待孫子Elio返鄉後,即以勃根地取經觀念和技術來對既有的耕作方式、釀酒技術和市場行銷方式等進行全面的革新。這些變革對於Elio守舊的父親Giovanni來說,實在難以理解及接受,因此直到Giovanni於1985年過世前,在 Giovanni 他死前還是始終極力反對 Elio背離傳統之行徑。

Elio自法國勃根地(Burgundy)返鄉後,立即投入新式巴羅洛(Barolo)釀法的研發。數十年來,秉持著對土地及工作尊重的理念,其所釀造的巴羅洛充滿果香,並將Nebbiolo葡萄特性完整的呈現出來,一步一步打響Elio Altare酒莊在國際間的知名度。

Elio Altare酒莊為義大利葡萄酒酒評聖經《Gambero Rosso》評選為三杯的酒莊(全義大利第三名),是新派巴羅洛的先驅及代表性領導酒莊(縮短浸皮發酵時間及使用小型法國橡木桶進行陳釀),說Elio Altare為Barolo巴羅洛地區的「一級酒莊」,一點也不為過。不過既然是新式釀法當然不用等上數十年,當年份酒款經四年釀造與熟成,上市三年後即可達適飲期,喝好酒不用等,更可窖藏20年以上。

Elio Altare的葡萄,以不同於當代農法的傳統低密度種植,每株只取1.5公斤釀造巴羅洛;Nebbiolo內比歐露葡萄品種是很難達到100%去梗的,除非手工一粒一粒挑,Elio Altare酒莊即是少數堅持一粒一粒挑梗來生產巴羅洛的手工酒莊,堪稱為量少質精的頂級珍釀。酒莊共釀造四款 Barolo 與六款傳統紅酒,莊園級依年份狀況決定釀造與否?且為釀出理想中巴羅洛酒款,不惜降級改列朗格(Langhe Rosso)紅酒。

Elio Altare酒莊秉持敬天精神,在這塊承襲自祖先的土地上建立無化學物質危害的優質葡萄園,竭力維護,以期將此大自然的恩惠完整的交給下一代。酒莊的四大堅持:


2.在酒精發酵(Alcoholic Fermentation)期間,不另加入酵母菌,僅以葡萄本身酵母進行天然發酵。




很有趣的是前幾年,他與 Antonio Galloni 一起品試他家族從 1970 到 1991 年的酒時,對他爸爸釀造的 1970 Barolo , Elio 這麼說﹕ “It’s been a few years since I’ve tried this wine and I am amazed at how well it is showing. I really did make my father suffer.”

Elio Altare 令我折服! 他爸爸 Giovanni 在天之靈也應該感到安慰,可能會大叫一句﹕生子當如我 Elio !

而浮現在這些年份之上的則是宛若可見的Elio Altare背影;那曾在七○年代讓他前往勃根地取經、回到家鄉革命的熱情;與Bartolo Mascarello論戰的姿態;那讓他在眾家Barolo Boys盡皆痛改前非般地重新擁抱傳統與大型木桶之後,仍舊如同 The last Mohican一般,堅守barrique理念沒有分毫動搖的堅持…光是 Elio Altare 個人呈現的美學,他的故事裡賦與人的熱情與想像,就值得所有人試一試他的酒款,真心推薦。

The Wines of Elio Altare Barolo 【Cerretta Vigna Bricco 2010】Offer – 【Robert Parker: 98分】& 【James Suckling: 97分】&【Vinous – Antonio Galloni: 96+分】

Elio Altare Barolo Cerretta Vigna Bricco 2010Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 2010 Barolo Vigna Bricco Cerretta will hit the market in 2016 【 because Altare treats this as if it were a Riserva】. Fruit is from Serralunga d’Alba, am I’m not sure if the words “Vigna” will appear on the final label given the disciplinary changes that limit producers to using the name of a single vineyard on their bottles. It’s hard to beat the profound generosity and opulence of this wine with that unmistakable touch of silky elegance. This is wine of enormous presence and poise. Drink: 2018-2038.


The Wines of Elio Altare Barolo Brunate 2011 Offer – 【Robert Parker: 95分】& 【James Suckling: 95分】&【Vinous – Antonio Galloni: 95分】

Elio Altare Barolo Brunate 2011Robert Parker Tasting Notes: Sadly, the 2011 Barolo Brunate represents the last time this wine will be released【因租約關係 Brunate 將永遠從Elio Altare 版圖上消失,2011將是他釀製Brunate最後的一年】. The Altare family lost its lease on this historic vineyard. In fact, this is the only year Altare will release a full range of wines including those being phased out and those being newly introduced. Elegance and grace are the main themes here, but you also get a pretty embroidery of violets, toasted almond and balsam herb. Elio and Silvia Altare tell me they are heartbroken to see this important part of their portfolio disappear. We all are.


The Wines of Elio Altare Vigneto Arborina 2010 Offer – 【Robert Parker: 96+分】& 【James Suckling: 95分】&【Vinous – Antonio Galloni: 95分】

Elio Altare Vigneto Arborina 2010Robert Parker Tasting Notes: The 2010 Barolo Arborina shows a strong fruit profile with cherry and cassis that sets it apart from the 2009 vintage that is extremely generous in floral tones of crushed flower and rose. This expression shows great power and substance with 20 to 30% new oak. This is a precise and sharp wine with a heightened sense of focus and definition that is backed by pretty mineral shadings. Hold this wine ten years or more. Drink: 2017-2035.



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