終於圓二十年美夢 – 【Tommasi Casisano】•【Brunello di Montalcino】2011 & 【Rosso di Montalcino】2015 Offer – Ruby and elegant, Casisano Brunello highlights the great beauty of Montalcino terroir.

現今義大利Montalcino酒莊可說是價比天高,家家都顯珍貴 — Tommasi 家族終於圓二十年美夢 – 【Tommasi Casisano】- Ruby and elegant, Casisano Brunello highlights the great beauty of Montalcino terroir.

Podere Casisano 酒莊位在 Montalcino 產區的 Maremma,早期成立於1990年,曾以2001年份 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva 揚名立萬,躋身義大利名莊。Podere Casisano 主要葡萄園 Casisano與 Colombaio 分別位於較炎熱的東南側與較涼爽的北側, Casisano-Colombaio可說是 Casisano 酒莊皇冠上的珍珠,提供了驚人的複雜度,來自 Valpolicella 產區的歷史百年酒莊Tommasi家族在2015年一償夙願,成功收購 Podere Casisano酒莊,正式進駐 Montalcino 將 Podere Casisano Colombaio 納入其下,改其正式名為【Tommasi Casisano】

Brunello di Montealcino 除了要使用100% Sangiovese Grosso 葡萄,至少在斯洛伐尼亞木桶陳放三年以上,瓶陳4個月以上,才可以對外販售,量少珍貴,是許多愛酒人士追求的夢幻逸品。


The Wines of Tommasi Casisano •【Brunello di Montalcino】2011 Offer – 【 James Suckling :93分 & Tasting Panel :92分 & Wine Enthusiast:91分】

Winemaker Notes : Ruby red to garnet and elegant on the nose, this is balanced with intense aromas and great finesse that integrate with the fruity and spicy notes typical of the Sangiovese grape. Well structured, harmonious and powerful, it is characterized by velvety tannins and a long finish

Casisano’s Brunello di Montalcino is distinguished by its elegance and its deep ruby red colour. It presents a good concentration on the mid-palate and a persistent aftertaste, with a rounded and voluptuous body, and interesting, silky tannins. It unites potency and elegance and looks like having a promising future. With its tempting perfumes of red berries and its clean freshness, the complexity of this wine presents an excellent balance. To fully appreciate its qualities, decant the wine at least one hour before serving.

Tommasi Casisano •【Brunello di Montalcino】2011James Suckling Tasting Notes: This is rich and velvety with a beautiful softness and richness. Full body, round textured. Delicious finish. Excellent wine form the Tommasi family of the Veneto

Tasting Panel Tasting Notes: Podere Casisano is the Tuscan estate of the Veneto-based Tommasi family. This Brunello shows elegant flavors and bright acidity; toasty, lush and complex.

Brunello di Montealcino 除了要使用100% Sangiovese Grosso 葡萄,至少在斯洛伐尼亞木桶陳放三年以上,瓶陳4個月以上,才可以對外販售,量少珍貴,是許多愛酒人士追求的夢幻逸品。



The Wines of Tommasi Casisano •【Rosso di Montalcino】2015 Offer – 【100% Sangiovese Grosso】

Casisano Rosso di Montalcino is another great expression obtained from Sangiovese Grosso grape variety. Lively and elegant, Casisano Rosso has a round medium body, with soft and velvety tannins that perfectly represents Montalcino unique terroir

Tommasi Casisano •【Rosso di Montalcino】2015 Tasting Notes: Floral bouquet with fruity notes of plums and red berries combined with light hints of spices Dry and pleasant balance between tannins and acidity. Nice and soft in the final. 至少在斯洛伐尼亞木桶陳放八個月以上,100% Sangiovese Grosso 葡萄




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吳嘉興 Vincent WU
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