【只要喝過它後 • 超級黃金2015好年 • 您一定會愛上它! 】 • 義大利 Argiano家族 •【Brunello di Montalcino 最好的2015年! • B.D.M.傳奇平易近人絕佳作品!】- 【Decanter: 97高分】•【Robert Parker : 95分】•【James Suckling: 95分】•【原廠六瓶箱 • 精品酒莊】
想必大家很清楚2015及2016年義大利,都是超級黃金好年•從 Sassicaia 薩西開亞 2015年榮獲W.S.百大第一名 ,看出義大利2015年份之好!• 義大利 Argiano【Brunello di Montalcino】2015 • 輕鬆價格即可擁有 【Decanter 高達97分】•【Robert Parker : 95分 高分迷人魅力!】•Argiano•【Brunello di Montalcino】稱上是一瓶完美酒質極佳,超好黃金2015年份「B.D.M.」平易近人絕佳作品! 超值及極佳的選擇(Value and smart buy)感恩價 • 呈獻給愛好義大利酒友們!
ARGIANO酒莊雖有不少酒款,但最具國際愛酒人仕青睞還是以【Brunello di Montalcino】and【Solengo】最為頂尖出色,從義大利精品葡萄酒市場角度來看,近年來所謂的 Super Toscana 受到不少酒迷喜愛,當然這還是要歸功於本身該酒的實力與價格, Argiano 的釀酒師 Giacomo Tachis,同時也是釀製頂尖天王【Sassicaia 薩西卡亞】與【Solaia 索拉雅】精品酒莊的傳奇靈魂人物….
Argiano酒莊起於西元1580年至1596年之間,當時是由西恩納 Baldassare Peruzzi 貴族起造,其中經歷五個世紀之久貴族與家族之間轉移,終於在西元1889年之間酒莊釀造開始慢慢穩定下來,葡萄園位在Orcia河谷海拔最高的Mount Amiata山丘上,往下鳥瞰,整個蒙塔奇諾產區可說是一覽無遺! 葡萄園正午日照充足,位於海拔最高處,氣候涼爽,土壤主要由泥灰質石灰岩和粘土組成,得天獨厚的葡萄種植地理環境下,種植的葡萄品種有Sangiovese、Cabernet Sauvignon、Merlot 和 Syrah,平均樹齡為12年,種植密度為每公頃5,000-7,000株,所有的葡萄都是經過人工採收,然後裝成小箱運到酒窖。在西元1935年在 II Monstra Mercato dei Vini Tipici d’Italia 酒展上發表 Argiano 的 Brunello,隨即在西元1967年 Argiano 用傳統精緻釀造出經典 Brunello di Montalcino 從此之後,開始創造展開了Argiano傳奇酒莊的一生歷史!
Wine Description : Argiano Brunello di Montalcino is distinguished by its elegance and its deep ruby red color. It presents a good concentration on the mid-palate and a persistent aftertaste, with a rounded and voluptuous body, and interesting, silky tannins. It unites potency and elegance and looks like having a promising future. With its tempting perfumes of red berries and its clean freshness, the complexity of this wine presents an excellent balance.
The Wines of Argiano •【Brunello di Montalcino】2015 Offer – 超級黃金2015好年 •【Decanter: 97高分】•【Robert Parker : 95分】•【James Suckling: 95分】•【原廠六瓶箱 • 精品酒莊】
Robert Parker Tasting Notes: This is a terrific wine and one of the new releases from Montalcino that I happily include on a short list of top recommendations. The Argiano 2015 Brunello di Montalcino shows a very lively bouquet that is already singing despite the young age of this new release. The wine opens to a dark ruby color with garnet highlights. The bouquet shows a large span of wild berry, earth, licorice spice and medicinal herb aromas. This vintage also reveals a pretty floral character with dried rose potpourri and lavender buds. After fermentation, the wine is aged slowly for 30 months in large oak botte (including 10-, 30- and 50-hectoliter capacity), thus restricting oxygen and gently slowing its evolution. However, the 2015 vintage is naturally expressive and exuberant, and that’s the main takeaway here. Some 100,000 bottles were filled in May 2019, and the wine hits the market in February 2020.
Argiano •【Brunello di Montalcino】2015 – 超級黃金2015好年 •【Decanter: 97高分】•【Robert Parker : 95分】•【James Suckling: 95分】
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